Jinhwan: Drunk

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"Haven't you had enough?" you asked, sitting beside Jinhwan.

The music and laughing were a little tuned out at the garden. You threw a surprise birthday celebration for Hanbin, and he was pretty much enjoying it. It's his day, afterall.

Anyhow, Jinhwan had been feeling a little down these days. He'd been passive and silent. Now, he's chugging on his second bottle of wine.

"Hey.. you might get drunk." you frowned, waving your hands in front of his face. Jinhwan just gave a soft chuckle, then ruffled your hair.

"I'm okay, ______-ah." he gave a small smile.

"No, you're not." you pouted. "You've been silent these days.. I know you have a problem."

"I'm just thinking about things." Jinhwan said, weakly smiling as he looked up at the stars. "Plus, wine is delicious."

"Care to share?"

"Not right now.." he drank another cup. "You should get back inside."

You just frowned at him and refused to move. An idea hit you, and since he doesn't pretty much care, it should be fine. You leaned over and grabbed the bottle.

"Hey!" Jinhwan watched in shock as you gulped down the wine.

Woooah, is it just me or did it get foggy?

"Stop that!" he snapped, snatching the bottle from your hand.

You coughed up the bitterness stuck in your throat. You looked at Jinhwan and frowned.

"It's bitter." you blankly said before smiling. "But it's nice." you reached for the bottle, but Jinhwan caught it back.

"Hey!" you whined, struggling to get it from him.

"No, ______. I don't want you getting drunk." Jinhwan stood up and put his hand as far away from you.

"Why would you care? You don't even open up to me anymore." you spat at him. Jinhwan stiffened. Taking advantage of his state, you quickly grabbed the bottle and drank to the last drop.

The world started getting hazier by the second, and you felt yourself floating along with it. In a snap, everything went black.

You stirred to conciousness feeling someone carrying you. Since your eyelids were strangely feeling too heavy to open, you decided not to move. After a few steps, you felt yourself being laid down to a bed.

Your head started stinging so bad, but you were too dazed to even complain. The person tucked you in a blanket, then sat beside you.

You felt an overwhelming presence breathe above you. Whoever that person was, you were sure he/she was just a few inches away, and you could smell a distinctive hint of fermented grapes. You felt lips press softly on your forehead.

"I'm sorry if I was too stunned to stop you.."


"But I care about you. Don't ever say that again." he trailed off. "I was thinking about you these past days. You never left my mind.. I kept on doubting myself about my feelings for you."

You felt your heart grow heavy in your chest. Feelings? For me?

"But I'm sure now... I love you ______-ah, and I'll make sure to say that when you wake up."

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