Hanbin: Texts and Kisses

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You and Hanbin are lying on the floor together, basically cuddling, even though he was sweaty. Well, you never really cared. He busied himself with his phone, then your phone vibrated.

Hanbin: I love you ______-ah

Hanbin chuckled as he peeked through your screen to make sure you recieved it. You rolled your eyes playfully at him, then typed to reply.

You: I love you too 😘

You: But this is stupid

You: We're beside each other 😹

You giggled, then squeezed his arm.

Hanbin: I know right 😂

He laughed, then turned to your side and kissed you.

You: Okay, why did you kiss me?

It was a dumb idea, but you continued texting him as you smiled to yourself.

Hanbin: Because I love youuuuu

Hanbin squeezed you in a hug, smiling like a kid. Giggling, you lifted your chin and kissed him back.

Hanbin: You kissed me back ♥


You: Because I love youuuuu

You texted, mimicking his reply. He pinched your cheeks before he went back to his phone.

Hanbin: Hahahaha okay, we should stop this.

He was literally laughing. You laughed with him, then typed to reply.

You: Whyyy

You looked up at him, and Hanbin just smiled sluggishly at you.

Hanbin: Because I love youuuuu

You: Mehhh

Hanbin: This.

Hanbin diverted his gaze to you, then inched toward your face. You blushed madly when your lips touched. He kissed you slowly, and you just chuckled when it broke. You reached for your phone to text him.

You: You're a bad kisser :P

Hanbin: Is that so... 😏😏😏

Hanbin smirked, then looked at you straight in the eyes. He started coming closer, and your heart was beating faster by the second.

"You're blushing so hard" Hanbin laughed, only 2 inches away. "I love you jagi." he backed up and laid back beside you.

You curled up beside him, resting your head on his arm. "I love you too."

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