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I nearly cried writing this.

When I awoke, we all lay on our backs. The wight looked pretty bad, but he stumbled to his feet anyway.

"You think you can kill me without hurting yourselves, but that's where you're wrong." He pulled a knife out of his pocket and threw it at someone next to me.

Claire looked at the knife sailing towards her. It broke my heart. Her little blue eyes looked up in fear, and I knew what I had to do. I made the most monumental split second decision of my life. I dove in front of her, protecting her small body.

At first I didn't feel anything, but then I started hurting. A wave of nausea swept over me. I fell to the ground.

"Netta!" Hugh said, running to me. He sat beside me. "You're going to be okay." He said, taking my hand.

"Hang on!" Millard said, sitting on my other side. "By the looks of it, it punctured your liver. If we can react fast, you can be sa-sa." He stopped talking.

Miss Peregrine ran as fast as she could, with her limp. She reached me and looked down. "I'll get help." She said, and without a word changed form and winged off. I hoped she would return fast.

"She'll get someone." Millard said. "I want to get bandages on that. Emma!" He said. She looked up. "Come with me, we're getting bandages." He said, getting up.

"Yeah, sure." She said, and sprinted off.

"It's probably my fault your life is in danger." Enoch said.

"No, it's not." I said weakly.

"If I hadn't gotten him worked up, he wouldn't have tried to kill Claire. So I put both your lives in danger." He said.

"Claire's not mad at you, and your battle of wits? Funniest thing I ever saw." Hugh said.

"I try." He smirked.

Emma scurried across the lawn, Millard probably behind her. "Got 'em!" She said, dumping them at my feet.

"Come on, Emma!" Millard exclaimed. "Netta's life is in danger!"

"Don't worry about me." I pouted. My wound was stinging.

"Actually." Millard began. "I can't dress the wound." He said.

"What?" Hugh asked."what do you mean you can't dress the wound?"

"The knife acts as a pressure, and therefore balances the flow of blood the wound emits. If I were to remove it, not only would I throw up, because I can barely handle this, but Netta's blood would flow freely with nothing to stop it. And right now, she needs all the blood she can get." Millard declared.

"Nice sermon." Enoch said.

"So what your saying is you can't help her at all!" Hugh yelled.

"Best thing to do is make sure she doesn't move around too much." Millard said quietly. "Miss Peregrine will return shortly."

"Yeah, Mil, but what if she doesn't?" I asked.

"What if she does?" Millard replied. "People doubt it all the time, but really you can doubt anything. If there's one person you can count on, it's your ymbryne."

"Hey, Uh, Netta?" Enoch asked.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Don't get me wrong, I want you to live. But if by some chance you don't, I want to tell you this now." He said.

"Okay." I said.

"Well," he said, taking a deep breath, "Ever since I saw you, I thought you were beautiful. You talked to me, and noticed me, and you made me feel happier than I've been in a long time. What I guess I'm trying to say is, I think I might love you." He said, almost leaving it like a question.

"Well, I think I might like you too." I said. I couldn't believe it. It was like my heart was swirling in a dozen different directions at once. But that might have just been the injury.

Enoch looked up at Hugh, who had a thoughtful look on his face. "You know, maybe I wasn't fair to you." Hugh said. "You're not a bad kid." Enoch gave him a smile, and Hugh did the same.

Enoch leaned down and softly planted a kiss on my lips. I felt fluttery. I looked up, a faint smile on my face. "If I don't make it through, just know I care about you." I breathed. "Hugh, don't ever feel bad about yourself. Your the best brother I could ever hope to have. I hope to see you again someday. Dead or alive."

"Millard, your the greatest scholar of peculiar things I'll ever meet. Thank you for all you ever did for me. Keep exploring what you do. Good luck on your field journal."

I continued. Stars seemed to dance before my eyes. "Fiona, don't listen to what anyone says. Always keep people's opinions beneath you. They don't know you like we do. And Bronwyn, you're so strong. But not for your peculiarity. You have such a good heart. Claire, don't think for a moment that I regret what I did. You have so much to live for."

"Emma, I know you love Abe with all your heart. Just don't be afraid to move on. Deep in his heart, he'll always love you. And to all of the little girls, you're so sweet and caring. Keep on what you're doing. I love all of you, you're my true family. Don't dwell on the past, always keep moving forward."

A pop rang out from across the yard. A boy and Miss Peregrine ran to me. "My dear Nettalyn, just hold on." Miss Peregrine said. "You're a strong girl."
The night was silent. The peculiars sat on the beach and watched the stars. They were so bright.

"Do you thing she's alright, Bronwyn?" Emma asked.

"I think she'll pull through." Bronwyn replied.

Horace sat at the edge of the sand. He felt bitter. He hadn't been there when she was going. He had ran up to his room and threw himself on his bed. It just didn't seem fair. He should've been there for her. He knew something bad would happen. Now he hated himself.

"What's wrong, mate?" Enoch asked.

"I want her here, with us." Horace said. "I missed her, and now she's gone." He said hollowly.

"You'll see her again someday." Enoch said. "Now, come on." He helped Horace to stand. Putting his hand on the other boy's shoulder, they stood together in the silence.


In the disgusting, crowded city of Devil's Acre, Nettalyn Apiston opened her eyes.

Hey guys. This is the end of Audibility, A Miss Peregrine's Fanfiction. I hope you enjoyed it immensely. This may not be the end of Nettalyn's story. I kind of want to make a second book. Thanks for being with me every step of the way. You're all great people, and I hoped I've inspired you. Peace Out.

-Bethany 🐝---------

Audibility- A Miss Peregrines Fanfiction #1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant