One of the Oddest Dinners I've Attended

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The peculiar children dining room is above. Nettalyn will sit 3 chairs from the back on the right. The children will sing the song in this chapter. Go on YouTube to hear it.

Hugh grabbed a netted hat on a hook from the wall. I figured he would have to eat that way, considering bees lived inside him. Wait, how can he even eat? Do the bees get aggressive because of the food being dropped on them? How is there room for food in there with the bees? I decided that those were questions to either be asked at another time, or questions that should never be asked.

We sat down. Hugh sat on my right and Enoch sat on my left. I caught Hugh giving Enoch a dirty look.

What is wrong with him? I thought. We've only known each other for three days. Sometimes I could find my brother just a little too overprotective.

Miss Peregrine entered the room and sat down at the head of the table. The little girls all lined up across the table from me.

Miss Peregrine started to speak.

"As you all know by now, we now have three new wards under my care and are dining with us tonight. They are Abraham Portman, Enoch O'Connor, and Nettalyn Apiston." Miss Peregrine continued.

"I expect all of you to be kind to them here, as they are now a part of our family. They will need help being shown around." She added. I could catch the most amazing smells coming from the kitchen, and wondered what they could be cooking in there. Eventually, the food was brought out. Baked fish, peas , carrots, roasted chicken. I had never seen this much food in my life!

"We don't normally eat like this." Hugh said at my side. "But tonight is a special occasion, with all of you coming. I told the Bird, make it a special dinner, my sister does love her roast chicken." He said, smiling evilly. He does know how to embarrass people.

Dessert was brought out, apple pie with whipped cream. It was one of my favorites.


Finally dinner was over. I had never felt fuller in my life. Afterwards, I had grown tired, but the children informed me
there was one last surprise.

Bronwyn handed me a gas mask.

"What's this for?" I asked her.

"You'll find out soon enough." She replied.

We walked out of the house, not a lot of talking going on. I didn't know what was happening until I heard the sirens. They were super loud, rising up from the village. Bombs started to fall, and the children started to sing.

Run Rabbit, Run Rabbit
Run, Run, Run!
Bang, Bang, Bang!
Goes the farmers gun,
He'll get by without his rabbit pie, so
Run Rabbit, Run Rabbit, Run

Their song was in perfect time to the bombs. I wonder how long that took to get right. I was slightly terrified, if I stepped out and into the path of a bomb, could I possibly die? Was that what had happened to Victor?

We came along to the side of the house, where a giant topiary sat, modeled after how Adam looked, in the Sistine Chapel. Who do you suppose made that?" I wondered aloud. Marcy came up beside me.

"Fiona does. Oh, wait, that's who I forgot. That's what she can do. Look around you, these bushes are everywhere. Grows things at a fast rate, she can practically talk to them." She explained.

"Oh, right." I said, suddenly weak-kneed, as I spotted what looked like a bomb threading through the sky. I turned to Enoch, still next to me.

"Enoch, do you suppose that's a bomb?" I asked him, pointing up at the sky. His eyes were very wide, fearful, almost.

"Yeah, I most certainly think that's what it is." He said quietly for once.

"Are you to all right?" Asked Emma in front of us.

"Are we going to d-die?" I stuttered.

She laughed, sounding like we were mad.

"Of course not! This is how our loop resets everyday." She explained. My old loop never reseted this dramatically, and, by the look on Enoch's face, neither did his.

The bomb tunneled through the clouds like a bullet. It landed there, perched on Adams finger, as a glowing whiteness expanded from it. Encasing me in a white world. I remembered falling, and someone catching me and being set gently on the ground, and nothing else.

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