Island Invasion Part III

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You guys are so wonderful! I can't believe Audibility has 100 votes. And it's all thanks to you. Now that Nettalyn Apiston's story is coming to an end, it's up to you to decide. Sequel or no? Tell me in the comments.

It's hard to describe the rush you get from defending your house. More wights came in with backup, and soon the house was surrounded. As far as I could hear, there was an interrogation room set up in the parlor. It was a little too risky opening the squeaky door that was in the middle of the house, in case we would be spotted making an escape. So we stayed downstairs for a long while.

"Our status is in question." Began Millard. He pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and began writing. "Our peculiar friends are scattered throughout the house." Also taken out were two sheets of blueprints. One upstairs, one downstairs. Who knows how he got those.

He wrote all our names down. Next to it he scrawled where we were. Horace and the girls were in the upstairs closet. Us three were downstairs. Bronwyn and Miss Peregrine were in the parlor.

"Everyone else is in the library. And no one knows where Fiona is?" He asked.

"No. I'll bet you she was outside when they came. She likes being alone in the garden." I said.

"She's MIA, then. We'll have to see." He looked at the map. "Our best chance will be to head thr-." Then he stopped abruptly. A bee hovered over the table. Enoch's eyes lit up in the dim lighting.

"Tell Hugh we're okay." I said. "Ask him if he knows where Fiona is." I guess he understood me, because he turned and flew out of the room.

"And now, we wait." Enoch said with a huff.

It was a few minutes later when we heard the banging on the door. Before the three of us could react it flew off its hinges. Bronwyn's dirty and bruised face appeared.

"I've got them stunned." She announced. "Get up here, don't know how long we've got." We dashed up the stairs, tripping over each other. Then we took the stairs to the library.

"Let us in, let us in!" We called, pounding on the door. It opened, after they moved some furniture around. Then two pairs of hands pulled us through. Almost immediately after the door opened, it shut. Looking around, we saw the whole crew, minus the ones elsewhere. I was still worried about Fiona, though.

"What is the current situation?" Emma asked. A flame curled around her finger, which happened when she got worked up. And she had been nervous a lot recently.

"The ones downstairs are out. Miss Peregrine is holding them off." Bronwyn replied.

"Did you get my message?" I asked Hugh. He looked terrible. He must have been asleep or something, because his hair was messy.

"Yeah, I did, and I-I don't know where s-she is." He said.

"We will find her." I said. "You have my word." I said, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"On my count, we open this door, okay?" Millard said. We all nodded. "One, two, three!" He opened it and we all looked in astonishment at Fiona standing there. She was lucky, Millard almost hit her with the door.

"Oh, sorry about that." Millard said from the doorway.

"You're alright!" Hugh said, face lighting up.

"Fiona, we're getting the house back. Glad you're okay." Emma said. Fiona nodded.

A couple wights heard the commotion and looked around the corner, trying to be stealthy.

Emma through a fireball down the hallway and caught one in the face. He let out a scream and covered his face, running down the stairs. The other one decided not to take the same route as his friend, and ran at us, gun pointed. Three more came up the stairs as well, all armed. Fiona grew a vine to the nearest one and wrapped him up. He looked like a green mummy.

Another reached out for Emma's wrist and pulled her close. "Hey, beautiful. I think I'm gonna keep you." Emma had a disgusted look on her face. She kicked him in an uncomfortable place, and he fell to the floor. She tossed his knife to me.

"Arm yourself." She said, looking at him disturbed.

Hugh sent his swarm of bees down the hall. They zeroed in on one man. I tried to block him out.

"Now, now, kids. If you step down now, we won't harm you. All we want is Miss Peregrine." He said. But I don't think we believed him. A vase raised from the table and was brought down on his head. The man fell and beside him I could see Sam.

"Sam, you saved us. And you're telekinetic?" I asked.

"Yes I am, little miss. And I think we shouldn't start celebrating yet." He walked to the window and peered outside.

"There's their commander. Before we win this he has to go." Sam said.

First, we walked to the closet. Forgotten about the key in the jar, Bronwyn just took the whole knob off. Swinging it open, all five were still there.

"Here's your chance." Millard said. "And I'd better not regret my decision."

"Of course not."

"No way."

"Ugh, it's filled to the brim with dust bunnies in there." Horace said disdainfully, brushing his pajamas off.

"What are all those guys in the hallway?" Claire asked. Bronwyn cringed but didn't take further action.

"Casualties of war." Emma replied.

"Oh." Claire said, looking a little scared.

Miss Peregrine was tied to a chair downstairs. Sam stayed upstairs to watch the wights to make sure they didn't move. We untied her and her eyes filled with tears. "My dear, brave children. I love you all. No ymbryne could ask for better."

We walked out onto the porch and looked at the yard. The commander was standing on our right.

"Plan of action?" Hugh asked.

"No, really. I was thinking just winging it." Millard said. He was usually a strategist but I think the day was getting to everyone.

"It's nearly the changeover." Bronwyn said. "During it, we could sneak up behind him and give him a blow to the head. He'd never even hear us."

"That's actually pretty good." Millard said.

As if on cue, the first bomb started to fall.

"We've got a minute and a half till ours comes." Horace said. "That's a minute and a half to get to him, starting now."

As quickly as we could, we speed-walked towards the wight, trying to be silent.

Just as we came up behind him though, he spun around. His face was a picture of nastiness. His bald head glinted in the explosion light. His face was pure white, a stark contrast to the dark of night. His white eyes glinted inside his skull.

"Well, well, well. I was wondering when I'd see you ragtag band of wenches." He said. His voice was really deep.

"Who are you calling wenches, fattie?" Enoch said, glaring at him.

"Look, kid. If my job was to take crap from snotty peculiars all day, I'd be an ymbryne. But I'm not, and I enjoy what I do. So next time you think of insulting me, you may find yourself, I dunno, dead!"

"Pfft, you seem to think this has an affect on me. I know more about death than you do, anyway. And by the way, your threats don't scare me." Enoch said, getting closer to the wight. He motioned to start moving. He was right, the changeover could happen any minute. I handed off the knife to Millard, who I figured would be better at the job than anyone else. I knew he would wait for the perfect opportunity.

"I don't know why I'm replying to you, anymore. You obviously seem to think you're better than me." The commander said.

"That's because I am better than you. Not that I'd expect you to see it, having no pupils!" He shot back. It was like some weird comeback battle, and would've been funny if we weren't betting our lives on it.

"Get out of m-." But he got cut off as whiteness began to spread around our world.

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