Movie Planning Disaster

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Hello, this is the author of Audibility. First of all I am so sorry about the super-long wait! So many things happened and I couldn't keep up with them! I hope you forgive me. Now, on to the impromptu rant. I was browsing for some new movie information, when I came across the above pictures. Prepare to be disappointed, disjointed, and also ready to burn up the comments like you're Emma Bloom on a rampage.
I have no clue where to start. I suppose, to keep you calm, I'll start with the pros.


1. They added the ballerina twins. That's cool in my opinion. Maybe we can understand their backstory. Of course, that changes the plot for the next two movies, but that's okay.

2. Asa Butterfield was a good choice for Jacob. In my opinion, he looks the part, which is saying a lot, since our hero has no photos of himself that aren't silhouetted.

3. In fact, I think all the casts of the following peculiars were pretty good;
Miss Avocet
Miss Peregrine

And that's it. But, seriously, they match their characters pretty well.

4. Emma's got a white dress for the most part.

5. Everyone's still there.

6. Millard's still invisible.

On to the cons. Excuse me if this gets crazy.

1. All their roles are inverted!

Take a look at the above. That's where I'm basing most of my complaints. Look back if you need to.
From left to right; Enoch, Emma, Jacob, Hugh, Bronwyn, Claire, Masked Ballerinas, Fiona, Horace, Olive, and Millard.

From left to right; Enoch, Emma, Jacob, Hugh, Bronwyn, Claire, Masked Ballerinas, Fiona, Horace, Olive, and Millard

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2. Take a look at the blonde girl next to Jake on his left. Look at her feet. No, that's not Olive. It's Emma. The peculiarities of Emma and Olive have been switched, syndrigasti! Seriously, my little sis thought Olive in the film had replaced Emma as Jake's love interest. I tell ya, she was rantin' up a storm. She actually resorted herself to using Gladerslang. She was called off on it immediately, of course. Polite persons do not use vulgarity.

3. Look at the photo at the very top. Now, why on earth, you might think, is Fiona wearing gloves? That's because it's not Fiona, it's Olive. I guess Olive needs gloves, (*cough Elsa *cough,) to control her fire power.

4. At this point one could wonder where Fiona is. You see the girl in baggy, brown clothing, between Horace and Ballerina twins? That's her. Blonde hair in neat braids. Heck, if I'd been playing Fiona, they could set fire to my hair. On second thought, there's probably something in my contract that says they can't physically harm me on purpose. Getin' off topic here...

5. Can you see Hugh, standing on the fainting couch? Is he wearing a striped black and yellow t-shirt under his coat? Ah, that's okay, I think it's kind of cute. Observe his cranial area. See the absence of any sort of adornment? Where's the cap? Millard's got one. Twins got some, Uh, headpieces. Goggles? That's not the Hugh Apiston we all know and love.

6. Both Hugh and Fiona are kind of shrunk down on their ages. Not good for all you Fugh shippers. I don't know what they'll do in the third book. SPOIlERS:
Usually kids don't die. Unless deaths are off stage.

7. Enoch. Okay. He's short. His hairs blonde, not black. He wears overalls. He's got a hat. He looks like a chimney sweep out of Oliver Twist. I wonder how your opinions will all change.

8. Bronwyn's got motherly instincts. How can she do that if she's so much younger?

9. I've always found it odd how many people like Millard. There's tons of you. Not picking on you, I like him too. But that could be odd, considering he's so short. Isn't he older than Jacob, though? By a year? And look, Jacobs got at least two feet on him. That's okay, maybe he's a great voice actor, can't judge him till I hear him.

10. Miss P's hair. It's odd, it's tinted blue, and has a ton of crazy curls. Kind of cool if you ask me, but I don't think it suits her character, which, in my opinion, is more stately and austere.

Anybody else have any more ideas? I'll post 'em here if you want me to.

I'm wondering what they're doing in the picture. Preparing with a battle against wights? Here are some pictures of Miss Avocet and Miss Peregrine.

 Preparing with a battle against wights? Here are some pictures of Miss Avocet and Miss Peregrine

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P.S. Me and my sister were talking tonight, and we said we'd dress up as peculiar children, go to the theater, pay for our tickets. At the counter we'd pretend to argue with Millard about ticket prices. If the cashier tried to interrupt us, I'd hold up a finger. (Pointer, not middle, acting as the universal one minute symbol.) During the movie, we'd loudly whisper things like, "is this really what normals think we are?" "Who told them we existed? Was it you Jacob?"

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