Island Invasion Part I

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This little girl, (or boy,) looks extremely unhappy. I would be too, if my feet were vanishing. I'm more worried about the parents who thought a jagged piece of metal would be a good surface to set their child on.

"You can't move there." Bronwyn said, eyeing my knight on the chess board. I forgot, and moved it halfway across the board.

"Well where can I move, then?" I said frustratedly.

"I can't tell you that." She shrugged. "That's not how you play it properly, I can't tell you where to move."

It was after everyone had gone to bed, when I heard a knock on my door. Upon opening it, I found Bronwyn standing on the other side, with a chess board. She said she had gotten bored, so knew I was going to be up a while. I could hear everyone breathing, and shuffling around all throughout the house at night, and usually sat reading until I was so exhausted I collapsed. Not a good strategy, but, then again, neither was Horace's.

Speak of the devil, I had just moved my knight to a better place, one that had a legal move, when another knock came from the door. I though it would've been one of the girls, but he was standing there.

"Hi." I smiled. "Come to watch?" But he just stood there, in the doorway.

"Are you alright?" Bronwyn asked from her spot on the floor.

"They're on the island." He said morbidly, showing no emotion, then he turned and walked down the hallway. It scared me, one, cause I had no idea who was they, and two, because it sounded like he was sleepwalking. And we all knew what that meant.

Bronwyn frowned. "What do you suppose that meant?" She asked. But I didn't get a chance to answer, because there came a pounding at the front door. We both screamed, and I knew everyone had woken, because their breaths became deeper and their mattresses squeaked. Sam, who slept on the living room couch, must've heard the knocking and got up to answer the door.

Then, he shouted. "Alma, they've found us, take themmmpphhf-." But he was cut off, and his voice became muffled. But Miss Peregrine heard, and she bolted past us in her robe and slippers. Bronwyn lifted up the chest that lay at the foot of my bed and followed after. I didn't know what to do, but I followed after, figuring I could pick up a lamp or something. But then another door cracked open, and light shown into the hallway. It came from the girl's room, just down the hall.

Marcie's face, ringed with her brown curls, poked out. Her eyes lit up as she saw me. "Netta!" She said excitedly. I raised a finger to my lips and made a shushing motion. I quickly scampered across the hallway and ducked in. From downstairs crashing, banging, and all kinds of shouting was being heard. The door really didn't help drown the noise out.

"I-I'm scared." Claire whimpered, her blue eyes looking at me in fear. She looked so little and helpless, that it forced me into action.

"Barricade that door, Marcie!" I said forcefully. She started pushing her dresser to the door, her muscles straining. I ran to look out their window, ringed with little lace curtains. I threw it open and stuck my head out. Miss Peregrine was out on the lawn with Bronwyn and two wights. When one of the men grabbed her arm she smacked him across the face. I found myself grinning despite the moment. "You tell him, Miss P." I smiled. Then, the thump of someone's boots out in the hall startled me.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are." The wight said menacingly. I was glad the girls had formed a decent barricade. Then, I looked back out the window to see another down from where I was push open. But nobody's head came out.

"It's me, Netta." Millard's voice drifted from across the roof. "There's one right outside my door. I'm coming over to you." He said. Then, I realized, he was preparing to climb across the roof. "I'm putting a shirt on." He said. After that, he started to climb across.

Miss Peregrine looked up. Unfortunately, so did the wight. "Damn it!" He exclaimed. Then he ran into the house.

"Mr. Nullings, how dare you!" Miss Peregrine exclaimed. "How am I to catch you when you fall from three floors!" Her voice sounded scolding from where I was.

"I'm sorry for my actions, but I can't exactly turn back at this point, now, can I?" He said, gritting his teeth. It was probably the most rudest responses I've ever heard Millard say, but it's still the bravest thing I've ever seen anyone do. The second wight took out his shotgun and began firing at him.

"Oh, dear." Millard said, and scooted a little faster along the roof. Three quarters of the way there, and then all of a sudden he was falling through the window.

"Yay!" All the girls cheered. But then there was a pounding at the door. Then we all screamed. Except Millard, who's vocal chords weren't at the same decibel.

"Look, kids. We just want your ymbryne!" A deep voice called from the other side.

"Well, our ymbryne's not in here, so buzz off!" Millard said.

"Oh, yeah." The wight said. Obviously, he was not the sharpest knife on the block.

Millard gathered us closer. "Start removing furniture from the door. I've got a plan." He said. We all started taking away objects from it, and I was careful to keep my hands against it. He was definitely still out there. Once everything was removed, Millard grabbed the handle and opened the door slightly. Then, after a few seconds, he pulled the door back sharply, revealing the wight, who stepped forward a little, and with a powerful shove, slammed it back. There was a crack and a thud as the mans body hit the floor.

I winced a little at the place I thought Millard was standing. "Feeling murderous today?"

"No." He replied. "He's probably knocked out cold. I'm defending my friends and my home no matter how many casualties. If Abe can kill hollowgast, I can pick off a few wights." And with that, he walked out the door.

I though a minute about this new, rebellious invisible boy, who I thought I knew so well. Guess not. He was a good person to have on your side, and a bad person to have against you. I found myself shaking my head as I walked out the door.

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