A Most Perilous Journey With Complete Strangers

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We rowed out of London, and from then on it became clear that Cairnholm was a long way off. At one point there was no land on any side of us. How the girls seemed to coast fearlessly through these waters was a mystery to me. It was nearing dusk when we struck ground. There was someone here to help us. She was what I could only describe as heavily-muscled. I would have been scared of her if it weren't for the kind look on her face. Her face itself was weathered though, as if she had seen things in her life, and masked sorrow.

"Bronwyn! The blonde ran towards her and have her a hug. I mused. So this must be Bronwyn, Victor's sister. Not much family resemblance. Where in pictures I had seen, Victor looked like he'd need a sister with super strength. Bronwyn was well built, and her hair was lighter.

"Emma, you saw me just this morning."

Yes, Emma is the blonde, but who is the other girl, the third one?

"Oh and Fiona's here too!"

"Honestly Wyn, do you think I would leave her behind?" Emma asked sarcastically.

"Well I know if you did, Hugh would tell you to swim back to get her."

Oh, Hugh, who is this Fiona? I smirked. This is definitely a matter of interest. I desperately needed a question and answer session with my big brother when we got back to the house.

And with that, we set off down the road, Emma in the lead, followed by Bronwyn, Fiona, Abe, Enoch, and me. As we continued walking, the townspeople started giving us strange looks.

" Emma,why the townspeople looking this way?" Asked Abe in his broken English.

"Oh, well, I guess you could say we don't get out much. They think we're not quite right in the head."

At this, Enoch immediately stepped out of line. "What? How can you stand there and not be bothered about that? What on Earth did you do to make them think we're insane?"

"Honestly, I didn't think it mattered that much to you! You're new here, how could you possibly understand what it's like?" Emma snapped.

After that was a narrowly avoided fight between the two, which gave us more stares.

After the town square scene, Bronwyn did the smart thing to do, and led us through the woods. After that we came
to a swamp.

"Get behind me and step where I step." Instructed Emma, who had somehow made her way to the front of the line.
Surprisingly, we made it without much trouble. It was on the other side where an issue sprung up.

I had just finished crossing myself when I ran full force into something.

"Ow!" The something groaned from where it sat on the ground.
"Millard Nullings! Who the heck is watching the children?"

" My apologies, Emma. I assumed that Hugh had it under control."

" No, Millard, that's not how it works. When we started the loop we agreed to have one responsible person on guard to help the younger ones. I am the leader, which is why I chose to bring the canoe to The Bird. You are the intelligent one. The brains of the group. Fiona is the calm one, the quiet one. Bronwyn is strong. She can defend us from wights if they attack. Hugh is one of the oldest. Yet he still acts childish sometimes. Which is why when the others leave he is the most incompetent of us all." Emma explained, exasperated. "Let's move on."

" Oh, so you're invisible?" I asked.

"Yes. Millard Nullings, pleasure to meet you..." Millard trailed off.

"Nettalyn Apiston."

"That's right, you're Hugh's sister, correct?"

I nodded. And that was my whole conversation up as we walked up the trail through the forest. It was really pretty that time of year. I had to gasp as we approached the lawn.

Audibility- A Miss Peregrines Fanfiction #1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora