Meeting The Bird

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It was only that night when I realized the letter never told me exactly when Miss Peregrine would be coming to pick me up. So that morning it was 9:00 and I was waiting outside on the driveway. But it was 2 more hours before a woman started walking up the road, with two sloping figures on either side of her. I could tell immediately it was Alma Lefay Peregrine. On her right side was a boy with dark brown hair, who I noticed was extremely skinny. On her left was a blonde boy with huge circles around his eyes.

I noticed they drew a lot of attention from everyone around them, everyone in the home included. Kate had just come out of the house and started staring at the boy on the right. I had to point out to her that her electricity could cause the porch to burn down.

"Shut up." She whispered." Is he looking at me? I think he's looking at me!"

I sighed and grabbed my bags.

"Hello, Miss Apiston, I assume your ymbryne is near? Asked Miss Peregrine.

"Oh, I'll go get her." Breathed Kate as she batted her eyes at the dark-haired boy."Thank you dear."

" Hello Alma, I haven't seen you in a while."

" And the same to you Margaret."

"I wouldn't want you to leave your loop unattended too long." Said Miss Grouse.

" Of course. Mr O'Connor, please help Miss Apiston with her bags."


"Ah! Introductions! Nettalyn Apiston, meet Abraham Portman, she said, gesturing to the brown-haired boy. "And Enoch O'Connor." She said, pointing to the blonde-haired boy.

"It's nice to meet you." I whispered. Curse my shyness! "Have you been under Miss Peregrine's care long?" I asked.

"Only since yesterday." Abe said. He was good looking I suppose, but a little old for me. I could tell he was from Poland. He had a thick accent.

"Glad to be gone." Said Enoch.

"Why?" I asked.

"Ah, well Abe's here cause of The Second World War. And I wasn't that popular in my old loop. To be honest, I think they thought I was weird cause of my peculiarity." Enoch explained.

"Same here." I agreed.

"Oh really, what's yours?"


"Translation please?"

I laughed. Why is it so easy to talk to this boy?

" I can hear really well, like from really far away."


"Alright you three, it's time to go now. Nettalyn, I'm sure your brother is excited to see you." Miss Peregrine called.
It turns out, Miss Peregrine had rented a motorcar. I knew they were expensive, and had never gotten a chance to ride in one.

"Ever been in one of these?"Asked Enoch.

I shook my head.

"Great fun they are."

"Abe, ever been in one?"


Abe didn't talk much through the whole trip. I think he was missing his family. Unlike me and Enoch, he still had a family that cared for him. But, like I said, when we arrive at Cairnholm we could be getting a new family.

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