A Letter Arrives

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Nettalyn's POV:

" Netta, something came in the mail for you!"

I hear Miss Grouse calling for me. The question is, who would it be from? Not my parents, they don't even know where I am. If they did it's not like they would write to me. I don't have any friends from other loops. Unless you count Hugh. He's my brother.

I remember the day we were taken from our parents house. A strange woman started watching us as we crossed the street to go to school. I ended up telling our parents about it. They actually didn't do much about it. Simply told us to stay away from her. After a while she showed up at our house. She introduced herself as Alma Lefay Peregrine and explained that there were more people like us. I was confused as to what she meant and asked her. She said we could do things that normal people can't. Apparently Hugh had bees living inside him. What!? Do you ever get the feeling when you think you know someone but you really don't? That was how I felt that day. She went on to explain that I had hyperacusia, or enhanced hearing ability.

I could hear things that others can't. Everyone thought I was crazy. But now here was this woman who was telling me by some standards this was normal? I didn't know what to believe.

Miss Peregrine, as she wanted us to call her, said we needed to go to a place called a loop because we were different from others. She told us she ran a loop, but there were already a lot of others already there, and could only take one of us. So she took Hugh.

He promised to write to me and did so. Sometimes he sent pictures with the letters, showing kids doing amazing things. I couldn't help but feel cut off, their lives were led so differently than the one I had. I kept thinking if only I had gone there instead. Would I have any friends? Be more assertive? A real family? Maybe even someone to love me?
Yes, most likely whatever came in the mail is from Hugh. Well, enough dwelling in the past. I'd better see what that letter is about.

"It's postmarked Cairnholm Island. It must be from your brother." Miss Grouse said.

" Must be." I mumbled. What sort of thing would await me as I opened this letter? I had no idea. I pulled it out of the envelope and started to read.

Dear Netta,

Ever been stuck in a position where a disaster just happened and you feel like it's not true? Like you manage to forget about it and then it all comes rushing back?
Something's happened and I don't know what to do. I know it's not my problem, but I'm one one of the oldest in the loop and I can't help but feel responsible. Do you remember Bronwyn's brother Victor? The one I told you about? He's gone, Netta. He left the loop and was killed by a hollow. It was all Miss P. could do to bring his body back. Peculiardom isn't safe like it used to be.
If that's not bad enough, the Bird says we're getting two new Peculiars. Ones from Poland and ones coming from another loop, but he's originally from London, like us. But Netta, I asked if you could come live with us, because I do worry about you. Miss Peregrine agreed. She'll come for you tomorrow morning. Only thing is, your going to have to share a room. Until next time peculiar sister.

-Your kind and charitable brother Hugh

I don't even know what to say. I mean, of course I'm excited, I will be traveling to another loop. But Victor is dead? From what I'd heard about him he seemed nice. And what will Bronwyn do without him? Will I go to this place I've never been? Heck, I don't even know most of these people. Will they take me into their circle of friendship they've had for many years? I don't know. Perhaps I can connect with those other new peculiars, the ones Hugh mentioned in the letters. That one boy from Poland, he must not be able to speak a word of English. But the fellow Londoner, maybe we could talk.

Who knows? Maybe I'm just overreacting and I'll be fine. Out of everyone in the loop there must be someone kind enough to become my friend.

I sigh as I straighten up. And tomorrow! I'd better start packing my things.

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