Is It Too Late Now To Say Sorry?

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I don't even like this song.

I had decided, with a little help from Emma, to apologize. After all, I didn't even know if it was Hugh who filled a tub full of bugs. I walked up to his tree, which he often liked to sit in.

"Hugh, are you up there?" I called. His head poked out from behind a branch.

"What do you want?" He asked suspiciously.

"I'm sorry for accusing you unfairly. I didn't even wait to hear your side of the story."

"Well, I'll have you know it wasn't me." I hadn't thought about this earlier. "Anyway," he continued, "I wasn't even at the house when you were. I was down in the village, and had just gotten back when you stormed out." He said, as he climbed down from the tree.

"I know that now. It was stupid of me." I sighed.

"I have wanted to talk to you, but we've always done different things, and you had been avoiding me, it seems." Hugh said pointedly.

"That was a mistake."

"I just wanted us to make amends. I don't even know if I'm going to survive until next week, or if you will, or if we'll both die."

"I know."

"I guess I've always seen you as my little sister, someone I've had to protect. And now that you're here with me, it still makes me think you're little. But you're not, Netta. I've missed seeing you grow up, and if I hadn't, the loop robbed me of it. And that makes me sad. Our parents didn't care about either of us, so it made me become one to you. And it's not fair. It's just not." Tears started to fall. I was crying too.

"And I understand where you are coming from." I said. "Maybe I've not been fair to you. I haven't had any friends since I thought I was normal. I was so jealous, but now, seeing everyone, it's made me so much happier. I've met new friends, I've lost friends, I've been in mortal danger. It's made me grow up too. Don't think for a second I don't care about you, you'll always be my brother, not my nagging parent. I wish everyone's life could have gone in a different, better way. But maybe that's what makes us who we are. If we weren't brought here, I never would have met you. I wouldn't have known I had powers."

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Emma, smiling and nodding, everyone else was behind her, Millard too probably. Some even had tears in their eyes.

"I can't keep controlling you forever. I now know that, but it still hurts. Are we still friends?" Hugh asked.

"Yeah." I smiled, and hugged him. I swear some people said "awww!" It was slightly awkward.

"How long have all of you been standing there?" I asked.

"Long enough." Replied Bronwyn.

I'm really sorry, that was so short! But unfortunately, this book will only have a few more chapters, five at most! I'm kind of sad, but also happy because I can focus on my other books.

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