"Shut up Coah."

"Right back at you Zonnie."


Every one showed up and sat around awkward until Zeke made a suggestion.

"How about we play a game or something?"

"Truth or dare?"


"Musical chairs?"

"Really Noah?" Connie deadpanned.

"It was suggestion." Conner glared at his sister.

"How cute defending him."

"How about never have I ever?" Ava suggested and everyone seemed to like the idea.

They all gathered in a circle in living except Alaska. She gave every one glass filled with strawberry smoothie since they didn't have any liquor.

"You aren't excluded in this game dear sister." Connie pointed out.

"I'll be asking all the questions and I don't feel like playing."

"Afraid you might spill some secret tea that no one knows." Connie taunted.

"I don't have any secrets to hide unlike you. I'm simply nice and the good queen you're the evil one."

"True." Conner mumbled.

"Am I not evil." Huffed Connie.

Noah read Connie's lips. "You don't like me so yeah you're mean." Noah says and everyone went oooooooo.

"Let's just start the damn game." Zeke groaned.

"Okay. Never have skipped school?." Alaska asked.

"Boring! Give us better questions." Zeke hollered.

"Fine. Never have I ever felt attracted by someone in this room?"

Everyone took a sip.

"Now everyone must tell you they find attractive." Alaska noted.

"I think Connie is beautiful." Zeke started.

"You better. I'm queen."

"Umm Conner is h-handsome." Noah mumbles with a blush.

"Right back at you baby." Conner grinned hooking his arm around Noah neck.

"Callie is pretty." Ava mention feeling a bit uncomfortable sharing information like this, but since everyone was sharing it felt normal to speak out on how she felt about her girlfriend.

"Ditto." Callie winked.

"Am I missing something? Or we all just confessed we like certain people in this group. So never have I ever been in a relationship with someone in this group?"

"Conner is dating Noah." Connie called them out.

"And You're dating Zeke." Conner shot back.

"Ava and I are happily together." Callie says intertwining her hands with her girlfriend.

"You guys are all cute together and none of you didn't know." Alaska says in awe.

"I'm glad it's out in the open and it isn't awkward." Ava says with a smile.

"I agree." Noted Connie.

"Hey Connie can I speak to you private." Alaska says going into the kitchen.

"What's up?"

"I've been researching different sexuality and I've feel like I'm asëxual."

"What does that mean?"

"They may sound absurd but I don't desire to be with a man or women. Maybe going on dates, but I'm comfortable with myself without having anything sexual. It may sound strange, but it's what I believe in and I what your support."

"Nothing is absurd or strange about you being comfortable with you are Alaska. Of course I will support you and I'm really proud of you for telling me." Connie hugged her.

"Means a lot to be queen Connie."

"We're both queens, but I'm just better."

"I'll believe that when pigs fly."


comment #KidsAreFallingInLove

Dedication: caffeinatedream




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