After more arguing, we decided that it would be the best choice if we stay together and try to attend the same college instead of a long distance relationship or breaking up completely. Who know what that would've done to us.

So after a lot of work, and I mean a lot of work, we both got accepted into the University. I was  ecstatic when i found out that the both of us were accepted. That meant that I didn't have to be separated from him. I could also still study in journalism and Aiden will be studying in communications. I was surprised at first but I could tell that he'll be great.

However, before we start college, we are taking a year to have some fun. Jackson, Jessie, Aiden, and myself are going to Brazil! Ever since I was young, I always wanted to go to Brazil!

When they told me, I was so happy that I might have gotten us kicked out of the restaurant. Well, they should've told me at home.

I'm really excited for this summer and I can't wait to spend time with my boys. Everything's alright now.

As for Peyton, he's still an ass. After the breakup, he used to tease me with his smirks and flaunting Danny around. It was disgusting and to tell the truth, it did hurt.

But it doesn't even matter, because I have Aiden now. I've always had him. And I'm glad I do.


I sat on the couch with Aiden's  head on my lap. Cookie was laying on the floor next to us while Jessie and Jay were trying to make food in the kitchen. We knew that Jessie and the kitchen weren't a good combination but hey.......

Aiden was playing with my hand and I used my other to stroke his hair.

Graduation was two days ago and all of us were literally bored out of our minds. I couldn't wait until next week when we are all in Brazil.

"Why are you so smily?" Aiden asked me.

I shrugged. "Just thinking." I smiled at him. He opened his mouth to respond when we heard a loud noise in the kitchen. We gave each other panicked looks before Aiden and I quickly got up and rushed to the kitchen.

When we reached, Jessie and Jackson were both ducking and looking at the ceiling frantically.

"What the hell is wrong with-" Aiden didn't get to finish when a medium sized bird flew over our heads.

A bird! A freaking bird!

"Why is there a bird in the kitchen?!" I asked them.

"I opened the back door and it just flew in!" Jessie told me. Why am I not surprised?

The bird flew over our heads again but this time it was really low, so Jackson let out an ear piercing scream.

"How are we going to get it out!?" Jessie asked.

"Just run him out!" Aiden yelled.

Next thing you know, all four of us were running around the house like maniacs trying to run the bird out of the house. It wasn't working because Cookie kept scaring the bird with all her barking.

Soon we all stopped and looked at each other. "Where'd it go?" I asked out of breathe. We all looked around, panting, but there was no sign of the bird.

Where is the damn bird!?

Cookie started barking again and we looked in her direction to see the bird flying around her. We all ran towards it and it started to fly towards the back door when it finally reached outside and we closed the door.

We turned around still panting until Aiden froze. "Jack.....what's on your shirt?" He asked slowly.

We all followed his gaze and Jessie and I immediately started laughing. Right on his shoulder was bird crap.

Jackson looked at his shoulder and his jaw dropped. "OH MY FREAKING GOD!" This made me laugh even more.

He made a face and quickly took of his shirt like it was on fire. He threw his shirt on the floor and looked at it in disgust.

My laughter died down and I looked at Jay. "Are you okay?" I asked in a teasing voice. He glared at me before turning around.

"I need a shower." He mumbled making his way upstairs. I started laughing again and so did Aiden and Jessie.

Aiden and I went back Into the living room. I was going to sit next to him when he grabbed my hand and pulled me on his lap.

I turned to look at him with an unsure expression on his face. I furrowed my eyebrows. "What's wrong?" I place my hand over his.

"What's going to happen to us, Corey?" He asked in a low voice.

"What do you mean?"  It looked like he was thinking really hard on the subject.

"I know we have a while to go, but once we start college, are things going to be the same for us?"

I pursed my lips. "I don't know exactly what's going to happen between us. What I do know is that everything will be okay in the end. No matter what happens, we'll be okay." I offered a small smile.

I thought it was cute that he was worrying about our future. To tell the truth, I never really thought about how things would be. I could really only hope for the best.

"Promise?" He asked me.

I nodded my head. "I promise." He gave me a small smile before drawing me closer and resting his chin on top of my head. I closed my eyes as he rocked us side to side gently.

I wasn't certain about how things were going to turn out or what state we could be in in the next two years but, I'll just have to wait and see. Whats the worst that could happen?

We're going to be okay. I know we are.

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