> Life Update <

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Hey y'all. Please comment if you want, I really want to chat with y'all cause I feel like I owe a lot to you guys. Plus, get to know you guys and your current status. Here's mine.

First, I'm alive. ;) So, the fanfic. Let's get started. Almost 2 months ago, I last updated. Then I stopped for awhile because of mid terms. I deleted Wattpad from my phone thinking I could concentrate more. But that rarely helped at all but it still worked a little. I still have no clue about my grades but I'm prepared for anything. My mid term exams ended about two or three weeks ago and I have YET to update this book. (Or fan fiction, whatever you call it.) The point is, I apologize again, for not updating. However, I am writing the next chapter and I hope it's something you guys would enjoy what you've patiently waited for. I am having a little trouble with the plot but I will publish it. Not gonna lie, I'm seriously procrastinating a lot lately. Thank you, laziness. Also, thank you guys for 40k reads, and 2k likes! I honestly can't thank you guys enough. Hardly anyone likes my work. Its nice to see some people actually taking their time to read my fic.

Moving on, let's talk about books. Not fanfics but actual published books by authors. I feel like I'm on a Read-A-Thon. I love books and I think my love for reading grew throughout Wattpad and AsianFanfics so, thank you fangirl authors who wrote fanfics. Especially, the person/people who wrote Baby's Breath because that was my first love. Usually, when I'm in bookstores, I don't go out of my way to buys books. That was before. Now, I feel like I wanna read every novel ever written on this planet. (I've became an excessive book buyer.) I've just finished Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare and it was awesome because William Herondale. Got Clockwork Prince ready to go, even though I should be updating this fanfic. I also love the Throne of Glass series by Sarah. J Mass but don't spoil anything for me in the comments. I've only read until book two. Plus, Empire of Storms (5th book in the series) is coming out this year!!! Ahhhhh!!!!!! I don't know about you, I'm team Chaol. There are so many more books and series I want to read like the Harry Potter series and the Hunger Games trilogy. (I'm on Catching Fire, currently reading) But, I'm still a girl who is obsessed with Korean male/female singers and dramas. Kpop will always have a place in my heart. Because kpop leads to fanfics, and fanfics leads to me discovering YA. So if you've read any YA book you love, please recommend me some. Just don't spoil it for me. If you do, I will find you, and shave off your eyebrows.

I'm thinking about starting a BookTube channel. Maybe sometime in the future. Which is another one of my obsessions...

Just to clarify, I'm super excited to read the rest of the Infernal Devices trilogy. Remember, no spoilers or its bye bye eyebrows.

 Remember, no spoilers or its bye bye eyebrows

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(Btw, these are not my copies. But I wish they were. TT TT)

Now to more K-related news, specifically Exo related news. Have you seen the teasers?!?!?!? I'm so excited. I'm actually more excited for Monster because holy shit. Slay! And the teaser just might help for the next chapter. And have you seen the teaser photos?!?! When the Lucky One teaser photos were released I was kinda 'iffy' about the concept. It was really weird, I didn't know what else to expect other than another weird concept theory from SM. But then the Monster teaser photos drop out and..... You know what I mean. They look so hot and sexy and just.... Ah!!!!! Especially Baekhyun. ^^

Just look at him!!!!!!! But really, they are ALL hot

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Just look at him!!!!!!! But really, they are ALL hot.

Just look at him!!!!!!! But really, they are ALL hot

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Absolutely slayage. If that's even a word.
Anyway, I can't wait for their comeback. I can tell its gonna be epic! Plus, photos from their upcoming live performances can really fit with the next chapters of this fanfic.

Now I'm wondering should I save for their 3rd full-length album or the Legend trilogy by Marie Lu. The struggle....

There's also one more thing I've been meaning to tell but forgot. (Oops.) 😶 That is, I finally watched Tokyo Ghoul! Now I understand why the coffee part reminded you of the anime. Honestly, it isn't the best anime I've watched (I don't watch that many) but it was great. Touka is really badass btw. Then I imagined Baekhyun as Kaneki. Oh Kaneki. But please don't think that I copied TG. The anime has its own special elements and I have mine.

Okay, what else? Oh right. I have a Math project I should be doing..... Shhh...

For school, I participated in sleeping over for one night during camp and it wasn't such a great experience for me. Basically, from 4pm one of the teachers started scolding A LOT. I guess the students deserve it but that doesn't mean the teachers could waste time just complaining about how much time was wasted. Confusing, yes. Then, around 6pm, me and my tent mates took awkwardly pleasant showers in the toilet stall. Had dinner. Played some activities until midnight then went into our tents. So, here's the unusual part. The teachers informed us at 2am, we have to put our phones in a plastic bag, write our names and hand it to the teachers. Seriously! What if some of the students already slept? Aka, me. But what amazed me is that there are so many students who stayed up till 2, possibly 3am just hanging. Luckily, one of my tent mates already handed our phones to the teachers. The next morning was all sorts of pain for me. I woke up with a sore back, neck, arms and thighs. But I finally get to go home that day. And it's something I never want to go back and re-experience. Oh, and I'm graduating this year.

Ooh, look at my awesome wallpaper.

Ooh, look at my awesome wallpaper

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Gorgeous, I know.
(Yes, I use an iPhone and no, it's not an iPhone 6)

So that was my life update. Please comment because I like to know what have you guys been up to the past couple days, weeks. I don't care. I really want to get to know you guys. Call me Jeann if you want. You pronounce it as 'Jean'. However, it's not my real name. It used to be my nickname back in Sophomore year but I'll save that story for another day. If you're wondering why use this name instead of my real one, it's because i really like the name Jeann and it was made out of my real name. Plus, my real name seems kinda boring.

Thanks for reading and see you in my next chapter. 🤓

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