Before You Read

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note: when i wrote this i was only 13 or 14. there are quite a few spelling, grammar, and other various flaws. my writing is extremely basic and childish along with author notes that are straight and downright disrespectful.  my writing has improved greatly but i have yet to publish any of my new works. read at you're own risk but please be aware of this. i was young, childish, with little knowledge on how to write well, and just overall in a horrid place of mind when writing this so just be warned.

Guys so you all need to understand that yes. This is goin to be Haylor. BUT! NOT because I love them and I know they are long gone but I chose this specific couple because during Haylor I noticed a huge rise in hate towards both Harry and Taylor. Also sometimes the rest of the guys. People need to understand that just because someone is famous doesn't mean they are totally happy with themselves. Hateful words can break anyone famous or not. During the Haylor period I was ashamed to be a swiftie and directioner. It was pitiful to see all the hate directioners sent each other, to swifties, Harry, and Taylor. I was ashamed of how swifties responded to those hateful comments and tweets and how the attacked the boys and Harry along with Taylor. I am part f many fandoms but I am most ashamed of being part of the #Swiftie #directioner and #TWfamily. Because they send so much hate. I love the boys, Taylor, and The Wanted but fandoms should get along. Not send hate. No one deserves that kind of treatment no matter who they are or what they have done. I myself have sent the before and I'm my proud of it. Hate is typos and pointless and just hurts people. Why we send hate? I have no idea. Do people get a joy from seeing others suffer? From knowing they a PERSON, NOT AN EMOTIONAL ROBOT, feel insecure? if you enjoy sending hate please enlighten me but until then I stand by my word. I have made myself a promise that I will not send hate or try the best I can.

Sorry had to rant a little. But this won't be like other fan fictions. This will be fiction but will incorporate real life comments tweets hate pages and possibilities. Everything in here will be fiction except for:



Thoughts Taylor have. (These are possible)

Thoughts any character has.

Hate pages

Fan pages

Most of the relationships


And many various other things.


Do not read if you cannot handle:

Suicidal thoughts

Self harm

Eating disorders

Very emotional things (maybe not in a good way)

In this fanfic there will be happy times but you will see this in a depressed or emotionally unstable persons point of view. I would know because I have has suicidal thoughts, self harm thoughts, depressed thoughts, etc., etc. I am very insecure about many things, I do receive much hate, I do wonder way to much why it would be like to be dead. To have no worries. To be happy. So many fanfics out there make everything seem all rainbows and butterfly's but this one shows how hard things can be.

Do not read if:

You are mentally unstable

Emotionally unstable

Do read if:

You are insecure

Get hate

Need moral support of at kind (just tell me!)

You want a good book

Ok so that's all but I mean it. This book is strictly no hate. No hate comments. And please spread the word about my book! both my other books have over 200 reads and this one is gonna be much better. My goal is 500 reads, 100 votes, and 50 comments. I will set goals on some chapters. I will be updating sometime in the next hour. Thanks and hope you enjoy!


I am back and will begin writing again soon :) I'm not sure when but I promise I will. You guys are amazing and I hope you will enjoy my future stories. My current stories will not be finished. They will stay incomplete. Thank you so much, I hope,you stick with my writing and stories :) ~Xx

To all you new readers, hello! I'm so glad you're still reading my story! Please know that when I wrote this, I was in a very bad place and I know that that's no excuse. But, through out this story I will have quite harsh and rude author notes. I will call my readers names and words that I am ashamed of. If I could go back and tell myself not to do that, I would. Please know I could never do that now and that I am a much better, and happier, person now. Thank you so much ~Xx

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