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#27 in Spiritual. Alhamdulillah!

"The sunrise, of course, doesn't care if we watch it or not. It will keep on being beautiful, even if no one bothers to look". -Gene Amole.

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The soreness in her legs grew giving rise to an almost burning sensation which coarsed up through her limbs. Her breath came out in heavy pants and heart beat erratically. She knew she should stop but the adrenaline in her veins was far too much for her to give up. Just one more lap, she whispered to herself as she dragged her heavy legs on the track built around the perimeter of the house for morning runs. She would've completed another lap but the mouth-watering smell of breakfast wafted through her house, inviting her to forgo that one extra lap.

"Yum!", she voiced out as she entered the house, making her brother and mother's heads turn who were already seated on one end of the vast dining table, which looked vacant being only two seats occupied out of a dozen.

"Come join us", Samairah's mother gestured her towards the table to which Samairah nodded with a warm smile.

The table was grandiosely set in the middle of the colossal living room overlooking the inbuilt showcase, with a large area monopolised by divan on one side and the other side occupied by a plush love seat and an elegant couch diametric to a large screen television. The living room was the centre of the house to which various rooms opened. One of them being kitchen, whose door sat beside the showcase, in proximity to the table. Nudged between the kitchen door and showcase was a small area which lodged a wash basin, solely for the purpose of convenience.

Samairah, once done with washing her hands quickly there, joined her mother and brother at the table. She was in a strikingly good mood this morning. For one, it had been long since the three of them sat peacefully together for a breakfast and two, the breakfast was the stereotype Khichdi, khatta and kheema along with papad and masala omelette. Also the fact that she didn't have any class today further augmented her good mood.

Laughter tinkled in the air as their words danced around, eyes crinkled and the ambience was gallant. Samairah felt beyond happy within this fleeting time she spent with her family. She loved it. Loved to spend time doing anything, with all of them together, but to her dismay these moments occurred seldom. Moreover the fact that her father lived abroad, didn't help it either. At instances like these, she missed her father terribly. Her chasm of thoughts were broken by her mother calling out her name, capturing her attention towards herself.

"Jee mumma", she replied attentively.

"Didn't you listen what I was telling since all that time?", her mother asked with an exasperated sigh.

Samairah's only response was a sheepish smile while Ibrahim smacked her head and now she glared at him, tried to smack him back but he reflexively escaped. Knowing too well that she had to give up or else they'd start a fight and irritate her mom. She looked at her mom with a questioning glance, as to what her mother was telling her.

Ibrahim usually wouldn't let go that easily but maybe he sensed that their mother was telling something important and he too kept quite, but he was smiling in a weird way. As if he already knew what their mother was going to tell.

"I spoke to Nikhil. He said that he'd pick you up today morning. He wants you to be there with him while he organises for today's party"

"But mom"

And then it hit Samairah. How did Nikhil speak to her mom? How did he get her contact? Why would he speak to her? All these questions bubbled in her mind. Also, Ibrahim's weird smile made her suspicious.

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