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"It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important" -Le Petit Prince.

[ Chapter Two ]

Green eyes.

His glimmering green eyes were the only thing that flashed in her mind as she closed her eyes tossing and turning on the bed trying to fall asleep. Those green orbs against his milky white complexion was an alluring combination. It wasn't a sight you'd miss at first glance, specially at a place where people most often had black or brown eyes and any other colour was such a rarity. But that was him, a rarity. Even if he hadn't had those scintillating green eyes, people would still spare him a second glance. He had his charm, green eyes or not. But them green eyes, just added to his charisma.

Samairah couldn't sleep.

She promised herself that she wouldn't think much about him but her resolve was slipping. He was all over her mind. That's what happens when you meet someone you have avoided for four years, she thought. For four eyes, she hadn't seen him nor communicated with him. It was as if he never even existed in his life. The only time she even spoke of him when she confided about everything to her best friends, Saba and Sana. And after that, it was an unspoken topic. Everyone knew she wouldn't like to speak about it. Some things are to be just left in the past. At least that is what she had thought, until she found him right after she exited the auditorium, standing there in her college grounds and speaking to people. To say that she was aghast after seeing him after so long, was just an understatement.

There she was, standing in front of the auditorium with her two friends, mingling with all the people. She spoke with some freshers just like her, but mostly with seniors. They were supposed to speak to their seniors to get an idea of how things went around in college and all the different aspects they had doubts in. They were speaking to a group of girls, she forgot everyone's name as soon as they spoke. Except for two. Huda and Vaishnavi. Because the two of them were so energetic and kept on chattering about everything. She was amused to see how friendly these seniors were. Back in her engineering, seniors were very uppity and hardly ever spoke to juniors. It was as if speaking to juniors would lower their respect. But she and her friends had always been very sweet with their juniors, every year. So, now she could appreciate the amity of her MBA seniors. Their enthusiasm brought up a smile on her face. She was glad to know from Huda that there was a Praying room and also facility to do Wudhu. Sana was interested in Marketing and soon the whole group was intensely discussing about it. Samairah felt herself drone out their words and she started observing the surroundings. She shouldn't have. Because she saw him. At first she couldn't believe her eyes. But her heart started hammering dangerously in her chest. Her body had already started reacting and she knew it was definitely him. Four years or infinity, she would never ever forget him. It was his green eyes. Those unforgettable green eyes that made it clear as a day that it was him. Although, he had changed a bit. No longer did he have the boyish look on his face, he had a stubble now and he looked more mature. Maybe it was the formal dressing, she thought. She didn't want to stare at him for long, her heartbeat hadn't settled yet and if she continued looking at him, she wouldn't calm herself down. The shock wouldn't wear off. She tried to engage herself in the conversation that was going on in her group.

She looked at him again, he was talking animatedly to a bunch to freshers, flashing his charming smile, showing off his dimple, making the girls swoon. And just right then, he suddenly turned and looked at her, he must've noticed someone noticing him in the peripheral vision. His eyes suddenly bulged as he looked at her because he wasn't habituated to see her in hijaab. Back then in school, she never used to wear hijaab. She started wearing it after she met Saba and Sana. Alhamdulillah. She couldn't thank Allah enough for bringing such awesome people in her life. Friends who changed her for the better.

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