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#37 in Spiritual! Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Yayyyy :') Thank you everyone so so much!

"It's hard to let go. Even when what you're holding onto is full of thorns, it's hard to let go. Maybe especially then" -Stephen King.

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The moonlight streamed through the long glass windows in her room casting a beautiful glow to the already exquisite interior of the room. Samairah lay in her bed, squarely at the centre, the upper half of her body on the bed and her legs dangling at the edges, she must've laid there for a good amount of time as she felt the soreness develop in her body due to its awkward positioning, but her thoughts consumed her and she ignored it away. The sublime ambience casted by the spilling rays of moon allured her to finally get up and saunter towards the balcony, where she rested her hands upon the railing and took in a deep breath enjoying the pleasant weather that night, the cool breeze fluttering her hair as they flowed wayward beautifully and her gaze fixed on the enchanting full moon which was being the cynosure in the endless midnight sky. She marvelled over the beauty of that shining mass of rock as it lay still in the sky, being ever so radiant and beautifying the sky.

'SubhanAllah', she whispered to herself as she remembered one of her favourite verses from Surah Rahman, 'Then which of the favours of your Lord would you deny'.

She felt infinitely serene in that moment, standing there as the wind blowed, in the deep hours of the night as darkness shrouded the vast sky, thinking about everything that happened that week. She always liked to retrospect on her life, thinking about what happened, what she did wrong, how could she make it all better. She looked back to the first week of her college tonight. It was Saturday night, she had sincerely attended all six days of college. She felt a smile creep up on her face as she realised how sincere she had been. She felt glad that she liked her education because she was worried that she wouldn't like her Masters as this was Business and she had shifted from an Engineering background. But it turned out be okay since it was one of the stereotype and many engineering students pursued this and when they could do it, so could she.

And slowly, she thought of him. Although she didn't wanted to but after she was done thinking about everything else, her mind automatically propelled her thoughts towards him no matter how hard she tried to hold them back. His two syllabled name rolled in her mind over and over and although there was a ghost of a smile lingering on her lips, it didn't turn into a full blown one rather it instantly faded away. After the encounter with him on Monday, when she and Nikhil had returned to college, she hardly had seen him thrice, of which two times there was only an acknowledging nod between them and the other time she just spoke one sentence to him as she found him in Parking lot, that Vaishnavi was searching for him.

Things were going good with classes. Saba, Sana and she were busy enjoying themselves each day that week after classes ended. First day it was Botanical garden, the next day it was shopping, one day it was a stroll in a nearby park, one day a trip to ice cream parlour and so on. Their friendship grew stronger and stronger ever since college started and Samairah was glad for that. They didn't discuss much about Rayhaan or Nikhil because the two of them sensed how uncomfortable she got. Now that a week had passed, it finally sinked in, she had actually met Nikhil and Rayhaan after such a long time.

Feeling a bit drowsy, she returned to her bed, and before she slept, she decided to check up on her phone. There were some texts on WhatsApp she hadn't seen so she spent some time looking at them and answering them when suddenly her phone pinged with Vaishnavi's text.

Love the picture -V

She must've been referring to her display pic, she thought. Samairah loved that picture too, she had worn a pink cashmere sweater which had crocheted holes and paired it with a beautiful pink silk hijaab.

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