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Dedicated to my newest friend on Wattpad, bohemiangeek. Because I love her username! I love her personality! And her comments are the best. Also, she has some amazing books out there! Do check them out <3

"We work hard to disown the parts of our lives that were painful, difficult or sad. But just as we can't rip chapters out of a book and expect the story to still make sense, so we cannot rip chapters out of our past and expect our lives to still make sense. Keep every chapter of your life intact, and keep on turning the pages. Sooner or later you'll understand why every scene, every chapter was needed," -Sandra King.

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The sun scorched angrily in the morning sky resonating the gnawing feeling inside of her as she escaped its sizzling rays by entering her car angrily slamming the door, so angrily that for a moment she felt that the door would fall off as she felt the entirety of the front of the vehicle vibrate from the shock. Samairah left no time in revving up the engine and speeding off to her college. She was late and knew it too well that she wouldn't arrive at her college on time.

It was ten minutes to nine, it would take her five minutes alone to scurry to her class from parking area and if she was to make it to class on time she had to reach there within five minutes which was practically as possible as the earth suddenly starting revolving around the moon instead of the sun.

The moment she reached the junction, she had to stop at the red light. An irate growl bubbled from her as she realised that she missed the green light just because of a matter of seconds. Soon traffic pooled around her, honking of vehicles growing louder and more frequent as time passed by, people shouting hoarsely over the commotion, it was an absolute pandemonium. But that was just another typical morning in the bustling Hyderabad city. And she wouldn't have been irritated by it, had she not have had an outright disastrous morning.

It all started when she woke up as the morning light streamed through her windows, dancing in front of her eyelids. She woke up with a start, heart hammering as she quickly checked the time only to realise that she had missed Fajr by ten minutes. She had given an exasperated sigh, guilt starting to flood her over as she realised that had she slept a little bit early the last night, this wouldn't have happened.

Nevertheless, she grumpily started to go on with her morning activity only to find the tap suddenly become dysfunctional as she brushed her teeth. She fiddled with it and to much of her horror, it broke spilling water fiercely everywhere and she had to rush for help. The plumbing assistance arrived and she had to wait out in the living room as they fixed the adjoining bathroom of her room upstairs. And the fact that she dozed off on the couch while she waited didn't help her mood either.

She woke up again to the voices of her mother loudly scolding her brother Ibrahim as he attempted to leave the house without drinking his milk. Irritation grew as she peeked a look at the huge grandfather clock pompously hanging on the wall. She now joined the argument between her mother and brother, spilling out her anger as she rebuked them for not waking her up. Giving no chance for her mother or brother to explain, she stalked off to her room to get ready as soon as possible.

She decided to miss on breakfast, for it was only thirty minutes to nine and if she had to reach the college on time, she'd have to forgo the luxury of that day's breakfast. But just before she left, she had a remorse feeling at the tumult she had caused earlier that morning and she decided to apologise with her mother. To say that things didn't go well when she knocked and entered her mother's room and apologised, would be an understatement. The events that followed her apology could be easily attributed to her mother taking out all the anger she had bottled up due to all various reasons such as her brother, work and house load, on Samairah.

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