[ D E D I C A T I O N ]

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This story is dedicated to all those people who experience continuous highs and lows in their Imaan. This story is dedicated to all the Muslims who know that they aren't perfect but yet keep trying to become a better person. Dedicated to all those who incessantly fall back into sins but try their best to come out of it, just for the sake of their Creator. Dedicated to all those people who haven't given up, no matter how hard they try and it seems like they do not succeed. Dedicated to all those people who haven't been brought up in the best of environments, yet they try to hold onto faith, in their own way. Dedicated to all those people who are striving for Jannah. Striving for their Lord's approval.

Assalamualaikum everyone ❤,
Before I start this story, I would like to tell you to try not to judge the characters. They aren't perfect and they'll make mistakes, just as we all do in real life. My characters aren't the best of Muslims like many other stories here on Wattpad, so I'd like it if you all take it just as story and try to benefit only from their good qualities and learn to not go into the bad qualities that they've fallen into. There will be a lot of incidences in this story, which might not be Islamically acceptable, but as I said, please try to take this only as fiction and not as any sort of inspiration. If any lesson is to be learnt then it would be to learn from their mistakes and not fall into their lines. Also, I want to remind that everyone sins, in different ways, so it is not upon us to judge someone for any sin that is apparent. It is only Allah who can judge them and He waits until the Day of Judgement to do so. Then who are we trying to judge people before Allah.
Jazakumullah Khayr and enjoy the story :D

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