Goodbye rituals, Aug 15th and 16th

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15th of August            

This summer has gone by really quickly. In one day I'm heading home!!! In one week I'll see you again, back at school. School. Can you believe we'll be in eight grade? Big kids. Teenagers. What's up with how quickly time passes? I'll bet you---and myself---five pounds that before I started almost enjoying staying here, I complained about how slowly time goes by.

See, that's why it's great to have friends. You, Daisy, the sheep, Granny... if it weren't for you guys, this trip would've been awful. Now I'm actually planning to ask mum if I can stay here for Autumn holidays (and maybe you too?).

16th of August, on the train to London.

Here's the deal.

We need to talk when I get home, because even as little as one summer changes people. I hope we'll still be great friends and all. And I definitely hope you're coming with me someday to meet Granny and Daisy and see the countryside.

I'm on the train back home now, watching the grey clouds pass by, breathing in the too-hot air of too many passengers on the train, and thinking of my sheep. Should I be ashamed to say I almost cried when I said goodbye to it?

It actually, legitimately answered: baa-ah. I like to think of it as my own personal goodbye.

Silliness aside, Granny made me this huge goodbye-dinner last night. It was a feast! I'll miss the sheep and the farm and going shopping in the only supermarket, but damn, I won't miss Granny's endless supply of food. She packed me three gigantic sandwiches for the road, and bathed me with money to ensure that I'll have enough to eat on this... what, four hour train ride? Maybe we can buy something fancy with my food money.

I miss shopping, and you, and mum, and the busy streets of London. Yet, I'm really glad mum forced me to go on this trip... it's changed me. I won't ever forget watching rain smattering down on the endless green fields, on my Granny's awkward bicycle, with Daisy talking about cows and horses by my side.

This summer might not have been Bahamas, but it was pretty damn good anyways. I'll call you in three hour and five minutes---can't wait to get off this stuffed train.

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