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15th of July.

Hannah, you've no idea how much I miss you! Let's celebrate my fifth day in purgatory. It's every girl's dream to spend their summer in the middle of nowhere, with only their grandma as company, and practically no Wi-Fi.

Oh, right, hold on! I do have more company. Unfortunately.

 I made a discovery last night: there's a sheep outside my window. This is something I learned through its noisy babble all throughout the early morning. Of course I've no idea what it was saying (it was something along the lines of "baaa-aa"). It's possible that he/she/it was reciting the cure for cancer... probably not, right?

One time at about four thirty a.m. (!!!), I even got out of bed to see whether something was attacking this sheep. As it turned out, he (let's say it's a he) had only decided to raise the volume to match the raging storm outside. In the morning I discovered there's a whole cattle of them, but "my" noisy sheep is the only black one. How typical, right? The black sheep...

I must admit that that's about as much as I have to tell you so far, unless you're really interested in hearing about the weather. If there will ever be a day without rain, that'll for sure be the most exciting thing to happen here in a while. Fortunately for all the elderly people's hearts, there's no chance of such a shocking thing to happen.

Also, I haven't yet seen the neighbour. I'm not even sure there is one! Their house is too far away to see, anyways... Perhaps the neighbour is a sheep. FML. Help, Hannah, I'll go crazy here!

From your soon-to-be-crazy best friend, Emma.

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