August 9

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9th of August, late night.

I didn't write earlier today because of one simple reason. Two, if we're being politically correct. Firstly I was too occupied, and also I'm kind of mad at us, Hannah. It's not that I blame you for all the bad things we've done... both of us were in it together. That doesn't change that we did them.

It might not seem serious to you, but do you remember when we made Molly Fisher cry??? Do you??? I know we didn't mean to, yet somehow while we were fooling around we hurt her. I can't even remember what we said to her...

9th of August, gave up on sleeping.

I need to grow up and man up. Not literally man up, because I quite like wearing skirts and all, but just... Actually, do you know what I need to do? I need to call Molly Fisher. Now if only Granny would away from the TV so I could sneak down to the phone...

Speaking of phones, my mum called today! I realize I haven't even written anything about how her summer is going, though honestly, do you really care, Hannah? She's OK, doing some "fun" things for work, and misses me. Or so she says. I miss London, and her, a bit, too. And you of course! But lately I worry if we'll get along when I come back, or if you will say I've changed in to some hillbilly. I'm sorry for not trusting you with this...

I'm being quite too sassy now, sorry for that as well.


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