17th of July

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17th of July.

I met the actual neighbours and now I wish I hadn't. They have what must be the only other teenager in this hole and she's the exact copy of a surly farmer!

Until now I could pretend that perhaps I'd meet someone to talk to, and get along with. Now that daydream can be thrown into a pile of  Things That Won't Happen Because This Place Is Hopeless. How I wish you were here... you'd laugh like hell if you saw this girl. Let me tell you how everything happened...

My granny, who I'm now apparently running errands for (I don't mind--there's literally nothing else to do here), told me to ask her neighbours for fresh eggs. She was making some sort of pie. Don't even get me started on her cooking! Please say you'll help me hit the gym when I get home!

"I don't even know where they live," I told her, and her lovely directions went something like this: follow a dirt road for a mile, turn right, and walk another mile. These are her closest neighbours. And that thing about borrowing eggs? I can't believe that's real! I've always thought it was just a cliché...

My feet were real sore by the time I finally found the house, which looks completely worn down, by the way. Their entire yard was filled with horses and cattle, and two dogs almost attacked me before I got around to knocking. Millard and Stu, our neighbouring couple, were nice enough but so pushy to invite me over for a cookie. No thanks. As if all I want to do is talk to old people. While they prepared an egg basket for granny, their kid stomped in, glared at me, and walked right out again.

How rude. (To be honest, I don't care if granny says she's the only teen close to us, because why would I voluntarily hang with such a hillbilly?). Her name's Daisy, she's about two years older than us, and she's a fan of cowboy boots. Need I say more?

Why would mum send me to a place like this? Imagine all the fun we could've had this summer. Ugh. I miss you loads, Hannah.

From Miss Emma dying-of-loneliness Smith.

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