Chapter 4

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I woke to the most annoying sound in the word.... the alarm. I woke from the bed and turned off the alarm and got ready for the day. My phone buzzed. I had a message from Nate.

Nate: Good morning
Y/N: Good morning
Nate: Do yo have to do anything today?
Y/N: Yes, the moving trucks are coming today?
Nate: OK. Can I come help you?
Y/N: Yeah sure. Be here at 9:20.
Nate: Kk. Cu soon
Y/N: See ya.

I told my mum that Nate was coming over to help us. I was still in my pjs so I changed into my outfit. I wore black jeans, yellow crop-top and my white Vans. I let my hair down and put on some light make up. When I was ready I lurked through my IG and Twit.

30 minutes later, I heard the doorbell. My mum opened the door and called to come downstairs because Nate has arrived. When I got downstairs, my mum and Nate were introducing themselves. I went behind Nate and gave my mum a told you so look.

A little while later the moving trucks arrived. 2 hours passed while we put the furniture in it's place. Nate helped put my boxes in my room and we spent another 3 hours putting everything in it's place.

By the time we finished the time was 2:30pm. Me and Nate were hungry so we decided to go eat at Subway. We went downstairs, asked my mum what she wanted to eat and headed out the door.

When we arrived at Subway we ordered our food and we sat at a table. As I was about to sit down I felt someone grab me by the waist. The guy turned me so I can face him. I tried to escape from his grip but he was too strong. Then he kissed me and I was pushing him but it was no use. Nate came running and punched the guy, leaving him laying on the floor.

I stood there frozen and shocked from what had happened. Nate came running up to me and pulled me into a tight warm hug and I started to cry. We didn't pull away until they called us for our order. When they finally called us we grabbed our food and went back home. On the way home he held me close to him bye the waist.

When we got home we sat on the couch with my mum and ate in silence. After we finished me and Nate went upstairs in my room.

Nate : Are you okay?
Y/N : Yes I'm better.
Nate : Let's watch a movie.

We both smiled and he started to search for a movie.

By the time it was finished I slept on Nate's shoulder. He woke up with no rush and hugged me.

Nate: I'm always here for you.

With that I hugged him tighter. We woke up from the bed and I lead Nate the way to the front door. I went back upstairs and texted him.

Y/N: Thank you Nate for helping me and for punching the guy 😂
Nate: I didn't want him to hurt so I hurt him instead 😂. If you need me I'm always here for you.
Y/N: Thank you 😊
Nate: I'm going on a hike tomorrow. Would you like to come with me? 💃
Y/N: I'd love to. Cu tomorrow.
Nate: Cu. Goodnight 😘
Y/N: Goodnight 😘

I know the Chapters are kind of boring but my friends gave me some ideas (99% of the ideas were dirty so yeah. My friends are dirty af 😂 but I love my hoes ❤)

Follow me on:
IG - @/ natesbuldge
Twit - @/ natesbuldge

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