Chapter 25 Conviviality

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          She put down the glasses on the small end table, and Exsavior spoke. “Lumi—neers?”

          “They’re a band. They sing and make music.” Mia explained, watching him curiously.

          Exsavior was about to say something, when someone else broke their attention.

          Voices were heard coming from door.

          “…And stay out, ya weirdo!” Lynn’s voice echoed in anger as the sound of the door slamming shut resonated throughout the apartment.

          Her fuming stride took her to Mia’s room. “Mia, we need—” but she never finished the thought when her eyes fell on everyone in the room.

        Isabel, Exsavior and David delivered the same glance right back at her; they watched her, interested to see her reaction.

          “Great, a witch and two werewolves…that’s just what I need in my home!” Lynn massaged the bridge of her nose out of stress. She felt her pocket vibrate as the sound of her ringtone demanded her attention.

          Just another issue she had to worry about.

         In haste, the cellphone was brought out to view and without looking at the number, Lynn turned it off, ignoring the call completely.

         “Lynn, are you ok?” Mia asked with genuine worry.

       Her older sister sighed. “Yeah, I’m fine. The Covenant has been trying to get a hold of me—nothing major really.” Lynn stressed out the word ‘Covenant’ in attempts to get a scare out of her visitors.

         Nevertheless, the dismissiveness in her tone was what really caught their attention, but it was not as convincing as she wanted it to be.

       “Ah, I’m glad you’re all here!” The instant everyone stopped talking, another person appeared before them. Similar to how Isabel and the rest had traveled before, Locke emerged from what they assumed to be the ‘in between.’

         His figure materialized in the center of the room, capturing all of their attention.

        “What the hell! How did you get in?” Lynn exclaimed with narrow eyes and a glare meant only for the trickster.

      During all this, Isabel sat herself down next to David on Mia’s bed as Exsavior remained standing. Mia also remained upright, at the side of her berating sister.

          “That’s not important. What is important is that you all seem to be the only Immortals willing to fight against Ezekias. Because of this—” One minute, his vision was plastered on all of them, and the next it was obscured by a redheaded female.

          “The hells it’s not! What are you talking about, Immortals? I’m human dumbass.” She yelled at him.

        Locke lifted an eyebrow at her. “You most certainly are not.” The comment made Lynn grumble, but she did not refute.

          Silence crept into the room.

          “Wha—what do you mean? Is my sister an angel too?” Mia asked in high hopes.

       Lynn sighed in frustration at the comments. “No, he means that technically, Templars are Immortals too.” Her eyes refused to look up at Locke as they fell to the ground in shame.

      “There’s no need to be ashamed of it.” Exsavior voiced towards her, when he noticed the expression.

           Lynn scowled at him. “Well I am, because I gave up my humanity.”

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