School Nostalgia

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I wouldn't have thought I'd miss ring of the school bells at 7 AM

The sound of footsteps stomping from class to class, bags swaying side to side

Spending time in the canteen, eating and chatting with the smell of food around us

And then there's the small talks that never seem to end

But would just continue day by day because there's just so much to say

We would've never thought we'd miss the same old food we ate for the past 12 years

Even though we always complained about how boring it was

Telling each other that we'd rather order pizza than eat school food but in the end eat it anyway

I'd never forget our talks in the hallways about anything and everything

From complaining about how crap the chemistry test was to food shops we should go to next week

And it's those people that make waking up in the morning more enjoyable

Your voices would always cheer me up; your support would never let me down

I knew you would be by my side, even for a short while, not everything lasts forever

Like the weeks and months of sleepless cramming

Missing the days we'd run to class before they marked us tardy

Or walking slowly to those classes where the teacher didn't care if we were 1 second or 3 minutes late

Sometimes we'd think maybe we should just skip this class, just once

But the good girl in us got us and so we never tried (we aren't as badass as we thought)

It's those short vacations that we suddenly forgot we were almost at the end

Maybe we should've worked a little bit harder during those weekends, but nah

I'm glad we didn't study that day - those days

Because we're reckless and fearless (to some extent at least)

Those late nights spent on video calls and chats

And now I wouldn't ask for anything to change

Because it's perfectly imperfect the way things are right now

It was a rollercoaster ride that had deep falls and steep hills, but the ride was all worth it

I'd do it all over again

And on our last day together, there won't be tears (hopefully)

There will be smiles on our faces and wishes that some day, we'll see each other again

It won't be our last goodbyes, but a see you later

'Cause in a few years from now, we'll come back where we all started

Where our flower bloomed, shrivelled, and regrew 

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