Mountain Tops

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As the wind blows against her face

It whispers in her ear

A voice brushes pass her cheek

Arms wrapped tight around her waist

Warmth that holds on

Only those of herself, that is

Once was is not, once had has not

Slowly, agonisingly dying down

And for what?

Her sanctuary above the clouds

Far away, safe and sound

Mind, empty and full, all at once

Then, a flashback hits her heart

His cologne fresh in her memory

Drawing a tear from her eye

Each breath, shallower than the next

Gasping for air

She falls deeper into the darkness

A ghost of a smile lingers in the abyss

Tearing away at flesh and blood

Agony withers away

A voice pulls her back

Eyes gazing into her soul

Arms swoop under her, light as a feather

Carrying her out

But to where, she wonders

No longer This wanderer should walk

Falling, again, she falls

Up and higher, higher than the clouds

Over the mountain tops

And the world flips backwards

Landing right where she started

Listening for a sign

Nighttime falls and the silence

Oh, the silence fills

Gaps, those that can't be filled

Crawling into a sleeping bag

She lies awake

With the stars looking down upon

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