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Blind folded and abandoned to fend for oneself

Locked up in a room that has one way in, and one way out

It's a game, they say, of mind over matter

Where the pain is just a figment of your imagination

Little do they know, how insidious it crawls through the cracks

In our skin, breaking down our soul piece by piece

Until even those pieces are too small to break even further

Be careful; it might cut those who come near

Those who are dear and hard to find --

Tattooing a blood red sign, STAY AWAY FROM ME

Strait jacket white as snow, clichéd to the point where

The extraordinary are accepted as the norm

When in reality, beauty is just a mask -- an excuse

Smile, they say, people will like you more

Deceiving those that come near, to be later scared off

By the devil within; so why bother?

Chapped lips taped shut, doors slammed shut


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