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Faint whispers, hot breath caressing skin

Fingers entwined together like puzzle pieces perfectly fitting

Face to face, gazes held on tight

Forehead touching lightly as if sharing thoughts and secrets

Figuring out all the what ifs and whys

Finally, just all the places travelled and left for nature to grow over

Deserted and dried up

Monuments crumbling into dust, swept away by the wind

Sands of time quickly falling down 

Unable to be caught and brought back up again

People continue walking pass the old man on the side walk

Horses graze on the farm, eating fresh green grass

The sun rises and sets when it's supposed, to bringing day and night

Trees grow taller and higher with leaves changing with the season

Withering away for Autumn and Winter

Frost bites numbing toes and limbs

Everything moves on

But some things still linger

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