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I'm sick. Not the normal fever and headache kind of sick. I'm sick of people.

Don't get me wrong. Life is great. The food. The places to travel.

But it's the people get piss me off. It's how they treat each other. How they treat me.

Don't get me wrong. It isn't everyone. Just certain people.

Those who stab me in the back. Those who leave me hanging. 

And it isn't any random people that do these kinds of ridiculous things.

It's those I trusted. Those I honestly thought would never do those things.

It's funny. How you put so much faith in these people. Only to be put down.

Day in and day out.

Sick and tired of this bullshit.

To tolerate things that don't deserve my patience.

It's time.

For me.

To leave.

Because you know what?

You're just an immature. little. brat. 

Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. Because you do.

I'm sick. Mentally exhausted from putting on a mask all day. Only to take it off when I get home.

Life's too good to be wasted. On people like you. 

Those who are judgmental. Those who act selfishly without accepting that they do.

Those kinds of people. I refuse to call "friends".

By default. We are "friends". Forced to like each other and act like everything is fine. 

It's all just an act. A play. Not a very good one. 

It's pathetic.

Maybe. Just maybe I'm being cynical. Maybe. Just maybe I'm being ignorant.

And maybe. Just maybe I'm a hypocrite. But so are you.

Enough is enough

Away from the CityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora