There's Nothing Better

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It's easier to just say "I don't care" rather than plaster a smile on your face for everyone else's sake

The plaster obviously hurts; sticking to your face like cancer as it bits at your sore cheeks

A waste of muscle energy, that's what it is. Brain power too actually

Unnecessary shit that people are put through, while painting over our own scars

Because what's more important than other people's satisfaction right?

Who in the right mind would put personal benefits over social benefits; using the laws of economics

Why would someone ever think of loving yourself more than anything else

Such an outrageous idea! Absolutely absurd! 

Said no one ever, other than the demons in one's head that follow duty and responsibility

Please, it's not being selfish or self-centered

It's loving oneself to know one's own limits and wants

Happiness shouldn't be only for other people; it's for you too, especially you

So give out the "I don't give a fuck" to those who deserve it

Let the burden of someone else go

Because it isn't yours to keep

If crows are pecking at your windows 

Don't try to shoot them down

Leave them to be pecking forever

Don't give it the satisfaction of attention

Let the sound melt into the background

Close the windows on the words that try to distract you

It's just buzzing mosquitoes in your ear

Won't be long until it stops and you are left in peace

Because there isn't anything better than silence

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