Creatures of Runes.

Start from the beginning

"So, those vamps are still running around here?" Silas asked.

"More or less. Now, back to why we are really gathered here." She kept her hands on her waist and stared, lifted the book in midair and causing the three boys to stand. "Runes are like containers. The more runes you have, the better it is for you. It can be used by normal human or people with no extraordinary powers to collect powers which can be retrieved later for use. Collecting power can be done in two ways, the person lends you copy of it or you beat the person to a pulp until you take it from them."

     Edgar frowned as she went on to discuss how they could copy it. It was easier. Reina said the person with the power could give them a copy of their power but it won't be as powerful as it should be. More like each would be having half the power and that was why hardly anyone wanted to give it up. It was better to just take it which involved being gruesomely beaten and taken from them before they die because as they die, the power dies with them.

"We got three powers for Ava just yesterday. A friend of mine was able to give her all of it because of her sickness. She was a Handyman. They were typically good with anything they could get their hands on. If you give them a sword, they could be as good as a samurai in almost a day, give them a gun and they've got the skills of a sniper. Ava, however prefers to use knives which I keep telling her doesn't come with a fighting technique but whatever. " Ava gave her a bored stare and Reina continued, "The other person we met shared use half. He was a Steel. Their main forte is strength. Lifting heavy items is a piece of cake and their punches could knock you out dead.

     "The last one however, was a beast. Of course they can't give you their power, you'd just have to take it. Ava had to fight that one off by herself. And she amazed me. The beast she fought was a Koron. Korons are large tigers coated in red fur, with a hard armored back and a deadly scorpion tail. She amazed me when she dove her dagger right into his armor and cracked it. If it's tail hadn't gotten her she would have killed it right there. And right after I had gotten the venom out of her, she ran back at it and stabbing the tail at it's joint, rendering it useless and then keeping the beast in a head lock. She said the spell rapio, causing the beast to convulse and turn into dust. One of the best fight I've seen by an amateur." She praised, giving Ava a smile and she returned it then looked back at her brother who had been frowning since he saw her.

"Now that we know the basics," Reina went on, taking the book from the air and handing it to Benji. "all we need to do now, is get you some powers. And luckily, the city we are going to now has tons of beasts and monsters and rouges. I'd say you better start reading up on how to weaken them and take their power. You'll need them if you want to survive where this ship is heading."

"And where is that?" Silas inquired, taking a step closer to Reina who quirked a brow at him.

"That question is for Wyatt. When you see him, ask him. Ava, let's go."

Ava only nodded before they vanished, not even leaving a trail of smoke behind.

Edgar stared awkwardly at where she had disappeared from and he blinked when he felt her power again but in a distance, somewhere below and away from him. He frowned at that, confused he could sense her so easily.

This wasn't new to him. He had always been able to sense things from people. Most times, it was their emotions. Like now, excitement was emitting off Benji while anger and confusion blared from Silas. When the air around them changed, Edgar could detect a shift in their emotions. He had used colors to easily separate them so he wouldn't get confused. Like dark green was envy or jealousy, light blue was sad, bright red was love, dark yellow was excitement, black was anger and it just went on.

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