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I need to tell you guys this, I think at chapter 13, we had a flashback for Tyler about how his sister died. Well, I'm changing Tyler to Luke for reasons that will be explained later on.

Also, I feel like I'm gonna get killed because of this
chapter, well, epilogue...


Ethan's POV

"I'm so sorry for your loss..."

Those six words are the words that could change your life. They make your life seem empty, they make you feel incomplete. The world would stop spinning. Your heart would stop beating. Your stomach will churn. And you'll shut your eyes.

You would think that it wasn't real, that everything was just a bad nightmare. That the person you just lost would walk through those doors.

But they never do.

And that's when reality would sink in. You finally realise that they're not coming back, you'll never get to see them again. So you have a breakdown, and start crying hysterically. No one would be able to console you since they too are having a breakdown.

And the doctor will just stand there, an emotionless robot. He doesn't care that he's just delivered the worse new ever. Doctors aren't meant to care.

And that's why I can no longer watch this. A woman and man both in there early thirties, are seated straight across from us in the waiting room. The doctors just came in and told them that their son hasn't survived a car crash. At least, that's what I've heard.

The woman, who I'm guessing was his mother, is freaking out. She's demanding to see her son, refusing to believe that he's gone.

And that's one of the worse things about the passing of a loved one. The denial. You always refuse to believe it at first, not wanting to believe that they're gone.

But they are.

"Do you think she will be okay?" Luke asks no one in particular quietly. We've all been in this waiting room for almost two hours, and nothing's happened. "I don't think she's going to be okay, I know she's going to be okay." Thomas says determinedly, being optimistic.

I just sigh loudly and place my head in my hands. The chances of her being okay, are very slim. But the optimistic side of me, the one full of hope, was clinging on to that slim chance that she will survive. Though, as time went on, I could feel myself slowly yet surely letting that hope slither away.

Oliver's POV

Tick Tock.

Tick Tock.

Tick Tock.

I don't think people realise how annoying a clock can be, that is, until that's the only thing they can hear. The ticking of the clock drills into your skull, creating a throbbing headache, making you want to smash that clock.

Into one million pieces.

And that is exactly how I feel right now. Not only is it very annoying and giving me a headache, it is also reminding me how long we have been in here.
Four fùcking hours. And nothing has happened, no updates or anything.

Its only me, Ethan, James and Tyler left in the waiting room. Thomas disappeared, around two hours ago, saying something about needing fresh air. Luke left soon after that, saying he was hungry and needed to eat something. But that was lies. As soon as the door to the room shut, we all heard someone start crying, yet they were also trying to stop the tears. You could tell by the hiccuping and the short gasps he made.

He was still trying to act strong, trying to keep it all together. But he couldn't, no one could.

The door clicked open, and I looked up to see Luke come in, with Thomas next to him and Thomas had a comforting arm over Luke's shoulder. You could see the dried tear tracks on their face, a look that we all probably shared.

Luke refused to meet anyone in the eyes and went to sit in one of the chairs at the other end of the room. Thomas ran a hand through his hair and shook his head, staring at him pitifully. He walked over to me and sat in the seat to my left, since Ethan was on my right.

"How is Luke holding up?" I question Thomas, worry lacing my voice. Not just just worry for Milly, but for Luke too. He had lost his whole family and we were the only family he now has. Milly was a part of that family, and he cannot lose another person, not now, not ever.

"He's pretty bad, worse than what I originally thought. Milly was our sister, and to him, it's just like losing his sister again." Thomas sighs, and I drag a hand down my face.

The door clicks open again and we all look up hopefully, thinking it's the doctor coming to give us happy news.

Instead, we see a doctor walking solemnly towards us, a grim expression on his face...

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