Chapter 32 - YAY STUPID!

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Milly's PoV

This was awkward. Everyone was silent and you could only hear the wind blowing through the trees. It used to be a sound that calmed me down, the rustling of the leaves as the wind whistled through the trees. Now, it annoys me.

The boys didn't know what to do, and I noticed Ethan sending a helpless look at Oliver.

"You know we can't do that Jonathan. We will not sit back and let you brainwash her." Tyler says confidently, his head held high.

What do they mean by that? Jonathan isn't brainwashing me, I mean, I know that he beats me and everything but he isn't brainwashing me. He just helped clarify things. He definitely didn't brainwash me. Brainwash. That's a cool word. What does it mean though? Do you get a sponge, scoop out someone's brain and wash it? Or.. Well I'm not sure what else it could mean. It's kinda stupid that's they think he brainwashed me. Hmm, stupid.. Stupid. Stupid. YAY STUPID! It sounds like An insult until you say it happily. Then it's a compliment. Compliment. Complimentary. Damn, that's a big word for my small mind. I guess you could say I'm kind of, slightly stupid. It's not like I'm extre-

"Yo, Milly? Stop daydreaming and answer the question." I'm brought out of my thoughts by Thomas. Well, I didn't hear any question so I'm just gonna say maybe. That's what I always do, if I don't hear what they say I just respond with 'maybe'.

"Maybe." I say (told you I would say that) and they all just look at me weirdly.

"Um, Milly? We asked you who you would rather stay with, Jonathan or us?" James clarifies for me. Well that didn't work.

"Uh, I would.." I trail off, thinking about this hard. Earlier, the boys had said they had a deal with Jonathan. Something about them not taking me back in exchange for Jonathan keeping me safe. Maybe, they did care about me.

Maybe Jonathan did brainwash me and told me lies.

"Clara, think carefully about this. Would you want stay with these boy who left you for dead and don't care about you?" Jonathan pulls me closer, if that's even possible, and gives my arm a quick squeeze. It was a threatening squeeze though, it was too tight and basically meant 'pick me or you'll die'.

"Milly, listen to us. Whatever Jonathan has told you, is lies. We do care about you, we only left you that day because we were upset and angry. We tried to find you the next day, but Jonathan stopped us. He told us to stay away from you. So, we made a deal. As long as he kept you safe, we wouldn't come looking for you. The last three months have been hell but we want to change that now. We want you to come back, Milly." Luke says softly, telling the truth.

"I-I don't know, I thin-" I start off, but I'm cut off by Jonathan.

"No, no, no! You are staying with me and that's final." He booms, tugging me forcefully behind him.

"I think that she can choose for herself." James says, quirking an eyebrow.

Jonathan chooses this moment to bring out his gun.

"Actually, I have chosen for her. She will stay with me and will never speak to you again." He states calmly, pointing his gun At Ethan who also has his gun drawn.

Seriously, what is it with them and guns? Guns guns guns! That's all that goes through there mind probably. Guns still freak me out slightly, but I've got used to them.

"Milly, what do you want to do?" Oliver questions me, directing the question at me trying to make me answer instead of Jonathan. Yeah, like that would happen.

"I fucking told you, she's st-" Jonathan begins to yell but is cut off by Ethan.

"Yeah, yeah, she's staying with you, blah, blah, blah. You've told us that, but that's what you want, not what Milly wants. We want to know what she wants." He puts emphasis on the word 'she'.

"So Clara, who do you want to stay with?" Asks Jonathan, making sure I'm still by his side.

"C'mon Milly, please make the right choice and come with us." Tyler pleads, looking at me desperately.

I take a step toward, Jonathan's arm dropping from my waist. I take another step but don't get very far before Jonathan's voice echoes through the empty garden.

"Stop! I thought we had this planned, Melissa. We were going to kill them together. I guess I'll have to do it myself." He spat, cocking the gun.

I didn't have enough time to absorb his words.

I didn't realise what he meant.

I didn't see his finger pulling the trigger.

What I did see was me jumping in front of it.

I saw the bullet flying out of the gun.

Everything was in slow motion.

People were screaming but I couldn't hear them.

I didn't feel anything as I fell to the floor.

Everyone's cries and pleas for me to stay awake weren't heard.

I closed my eyes and let darkness consume me.

I guess I'll die as The Black Swans Girl...


Well, this is it.

The Black Swans Girl is finished.

This was the first book I've ever wrote and I cannot believe it's finished now.

Just letting you know, justdancew made me kill Milly, she gave me the idea.

Well, I'm tired so I'm just gonna go to sleep.

Night night 😝

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