Chapter 3 - Hello L.A

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So how are you today? Haha this is my third chapter and it's not that good or long but I'm not that good of a writer so it'll have to do.

Listen to this song. NOW! I don't know why but I love it.

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What. Just. Happened..

I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe. I think my heart stopped for a minute too. I was to scared to move and turn off my phone but when I heard gunshots, I was jolted out of my stance and I realised what just happened.

I quickly stopped the call, I didn't want to hear the blood-curdling screams and the gunshots. After a minute or two, I had finally processed what just happened.. And a smile was tugging at my lips cause of it..

Jonathan had been arrested! He couldn't harass me anymore! I couldn't care less about why he had been arrested, all that mattered was that he was gone. He was a scary person and I've got a feeling he was arrested cause of his "gang" or cause he's beat a lot of women but I'll think about that later. My thoughts drifted towards the gunshots..

He could.. He could be dead! He might never speak to me again, never see me again, never do anything again! He could never torment any more women, never kill any one else. I could actually live a happy life without clearing in fear every time my phone rings

I was too busy, thinking how my normal life would be, to hear the knocks on my door so when I heard banging, I grabbed the closest thing next to me.. A hairbrush.. Great so this guy with a gun is gonna come towards me and I'm gonna hit him with a hairbrush.. Gosh, Milly, you're so smart today!

The banging came again, followed by shouting.
"Yo! It's the moving van! Open up!"
I sighed and dropped the hairbrush, thanking God that it's only the moving van. I look in the mirror quickly, recoiling in fear at the site before me. I had broke down earlier and couldn't hold the dam stopping my tears earlier and my eyes were still red and puffy, my hair was.. There are no words to describe this monstrosity. And to make it all complete, I was paler than a ghost.. I could be a model, looking like this!

I brushed my hair, well tried to since it was all tangled and ugly, then I applied a bit of make up just so that I don't look too ugly. I was wearing a loose peach shirt with some white skinny jeans and some sensible peach plimsoles.

The moving men (A/N I don't know what they're called) did everything for me, I tried to help but I only made things worse so I just stood there awkwardly. After about 2 hours of moving stuff into vans and storage, we were finally finished.

I wouldn't say we were rich, but I wouldn't say we were poor either. The only reason I was able to move today was because my mom set up a bank account in case of emergencies. I had enough for a van, plane tickets in first class, and a small flat for me too stay in. I had researched Crest Wood and I found out some interesting things.

Apparently, a leader of one of the most feared gangs in the world, The Black Swans, lived there.. But there was no proof so police couldn't do anything. I was starting to regret the idea of moving there now but I had to. I'd already bought the plane ticket and bought a flat. It's not like I had anywhere else anyway, I had no friends, no family..

No family.. The death of my mum and brothers had been pushed to the back of my mind and now I had remembered everything. I remembered how I'll hear them laugh again... Never see them smile again.. Never hug them again... I could feel tears welling up in my eyes and tried to stop them flowing- key word being tried -before I knew what happened, I started crying in the back of a taxi. I was going to the airport and I didn't want to go in with a red face and bloodshot eyes.

I was looking in my bag for tissues, when a picture fell out. It was of me, my mom and my big brothers on their 16th birthday. I could feel a smile begin to creep onto my face, and I'd stopped crying. I remembered how that day went..
"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to Jordan and Marc! Happy birthday to you"
Me and my mom waltzed into my brothers room, singing happy birthday because they were both turning 16 today. They were twins in case you didn't know.

"Mom! Milly! Get out! It's like 6 in the morning! Let us sleep for longer!" Jordan and Marc protested, earning a glare from mom.
"It's actually 08:00 so either get out of bed or I'll drag you out!"
My mom retorted, being 100% serious.. She would drag them out of bed if that means they'll get up. She walked out the room, to go get breakfast ready. I was left alone in the room with my two brothers.

They quickly glanced at each other then looked back at me, an evil smirk on their face.. Uh oh.. I knew that look.. They were up to something.
"Oh Milly!" Jordan said, in a horrible British accent. "Come here for a second, please." I warily approached him, knowing they were up to something. Before I could even blink, I was rugby tackled to the ground by Marc. He began tickling me, and me being the ticklish person I am, burst into a fit of giggles.

"Stop! Marc, stop.!" I squealed, trying to squirm away.
"Oi, kids! Are you coming down for pancakes or not?"
I was saved by my mom and her delicious pancakes. The boys jumped up and started running downstairs. Leaving me lying on the floor in their room.
I felt myself laughing at how stupid and playful we were. My tears had stopped and I had a smile on my face. I had to be strong, not just for me, but for them..

Thanks for reading and I know it wasn't that good and some things are moving a bit too fast but it's my first book and I've never wrote before so pls don't be nasty about it.

How do you think it's going so far?
And pls vote/comment.


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