Chapter 35 - All Alone

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Hiya, guess what! I forgot I had to write a chapter for this book. That's my excuse as to why this is late. But I did warn you that if I continued this book, I wouldn't update that much anyway.

It's Friday the 13th!! That's like, soooo cool.


Milly's POV

The darkness envelops me like a black blanket, slowly yet surely suffocating me. I could hear a faint beeping noise, but other than that, I couldn't hear anything. In fact, I couldn't see or smell or move or do anything. It was like I was stuck in this endless dark abyss, unable to breathe or move.

It was actually quite peaceful, a serene place where I could think and wouldn't be annoyed by everyday drama. All alone.

All alone.

Nobody was here, not that that mattered. I always loved being by myself. It helped keep me calm and at peace. But right now, I would actually like to have someone else with me. Especially since I don't know where I am. Is this Death? Is this what happens when you die? Or am I just stuck in this deep sleep which I'll eventually wake up from?

I guess I will need to wait.

And wait.

And wait.

And I don't like waiting.

****Ethan's POV****

After Oliver punches Jonathan, all hell breaks loose. I turn around quickly to look at Milly, Luke, Thomas and James.

"Get Milly out of here, wait out front for the ambulance. Do not let her die or you'll be joining her!" I shout out, being deadly serious. We have just got her back and now she might be leaving us again. On the outside, I looked calm and not bothered by the fact that Milly was just shot. But on the inside, I was freaking out.

She was practically my sister and now she was shot. I cannot believe we let this happen, how did we not see this sooner? We all just assumed that Aallayah was a close friend of Milly and even though we couldn't get into her file, and we didn't know anything about her, we let her know where our gang house is.

That's how Jonathan knew where to find Milly. Aallayah has been feeding him information, like the evil rat she is. "You are going to pay for this." I growl at Aallayah, stomping towards her.

She doesn't look scared, or worried, or anything. She isn't scared that I'm going to kill her, she isn't worried that her boyfriend is fighting Oliver and Tyler. If anything, she looks bored. And that's what freaks me out slightly.

She gets into a fighting stance and brings her arms up to protect her face. "I never did like you, Ethan." She spat, sending a punch in my direction.

"Don't worry," I laugh, blocking her attempt to punch me and I kick her arm. She shakes her arm off and glares at me. "The feelings mutual." I say.

"Oh, I'm not worried." She punches my jaw but I simply give it a small rub and send a right hook to her face. "You should be worried though." Aallayah smirks at me, and steps back before I could hit her again.

"And why should I be worried?" I question, genuinely curious as to why I should be worried. Other than Milly being shot and these two crazy people trying to kill us, my life was fine.

Yeah, my life was so not fine.

"Because, no matter how hard you try..." She trails off.

"You will never catch us." And with that, Aallayah and Jonathan were running through the woods, heading to anywhere. There's no point in following them, since we would most likely get lost.

"We should probably go to the hospital, and see how Milly is." Oliver whispers in a soft voice, looking at the puddle of blood in the grass. The blood that belongs to Milly.

"Yeah, let's go." Tyler agrees, and we all walk towards our motorbikes. I sigh loudly and both boys look at me with raised eyebrows. I shrug back at them before answering their silent question. "It's just, we just got her back and she gets shot. And we can't even get the people who fucking shot her."

Oliver nods his head in agreement whole Tyler just looks at the ground angrily. "They got away from us this time but next time, they'll be walking out of here in a fucking body bag" Tyler growls, clenching and unclenching his fists.

"Enough of this, we need to go see Milly. You know, she might not make it.." Oliver tells us, a grim look on his face. My stomach churned when I hear his words, since I keep telling myself she'll be okay.

She won't be okay, she fucking got shot right below her heart!

An annoying voice says in my head, telling me the worst thing I could ever hear. "Don't, don't say that. She'll be fine, she has to be." Tyler says through gritted teeth.

We reach the rusted gates and climb over them, heading towards our bikes. Not caring about our safety, we leave our helmets and race down the streets in the direction of the hospital.

Please, Milly, please be okay...

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