Chapter 24 - She Is Cray-Cray!

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Hey guys!

Today at school, I almost broke my nose! Some idiot decided it's funny to hold the door shut then pull it open as soon as I go to walk through it. This means, that I, fell on the floor and landed on my nose. So that's my day, how as your day?


I may have lied last chapter. I was bored and very tired so I wrote that so that I could have a bit of fun. I thought it'd be funny to say that this is The End especially since that would've been an epic ending.


*Tumbleweed rolls by*

Okay, okay, I'm honestly sorry. Now I shall continue with the story.


As I reached my house, I took a quick look around. Making sure no one was following me, I swivelled my head, left to right. I noticed a shadow, darting into a side alley but thought nothing of it. Assuming that it was just my mind playing tricks on me, I got my keys out and entered my little apartment. Sighing, I switched on my lights and gasped at the sight before me.

My living room was trashed, the glass table smashed, my TV lying on the ground in pieces. All my pictures that were hanging in the wall were now on the floor and my sofas were over turned. The doors to my kitchen, bathroom and bedroom were laying ajar. I could already see the damage done to each room, even though I wasn't near the doors. What's happened here? And why's my house been ransacked?

Debating wether or not I should call the police, I failed to hear the slight rustling noise coming from my bedroom. It wasn't until I decided not to call the police, that I heard the noise. Edging closer and closer to my door, I heard the window fly open. Rushing in, I see a feminine figure exit my window. They turned around when they heard me come into the room. They had a black cat mask covering the top half of her face on and a hoodie with leggings and simple black trainers. I still saw her eyes. A piercing bright blue. Her eyes widened when she saw me come in, and she quickly and effectively climbed out the window and jumped down, even though we were two storeys high. She is cray-cray.

I ran quickly over to my window and watched her as she pulled down her hood, letting her golden locks fall down, over her shoulders. Blue eyes and blonde hair.. She reminds me of someone but I don't know who.

Turning back to my room, I assess the damage. Drawers were lying haphazardly across the floor, with their contents laying on the floor too, in piles. My closet had every piece of clothing tore out of it and every bag or purse opened up. My bed was rumpled and my mattress was lying half on the bed and half on the floor.

What ever they were looking for, they've found. What could someone be looking for though? All I've got is some cash and family jewellery in my safe and my phone which I had with me. I also had my laptop. Which has my original file on it. Meaning whoever has just broke into my room, officially know everything about me.

Oh shit.

All I know is, I'm happy it wasn't one of the boys. If it was, I would've died. They know too much already. This was not meant to happen. He was not meant to come back and find me. I thought that after I had broken up with him, he'd leave me alone. I was so wrong. Instead, he's came back, with a mission. His mission?

To bring me back to him.

**Tyler's POV (decided to let you see what's happening with the boys)**

As I entered the kitchen, you could already tell something has happened. It was eerily quiet and everyone was glaring at Ethan for the second time today. What has he done now? "What's happened, and why did Milly leave?" I question them, taking a water bottle out of our fridge.

"Ask that prick over there." Oliver snapped, pointing at Ethan. Whatever he has done, must be major. Oliver never, and I mean never, snaps or shouts or gets angry. Never. This was a rare and strange sight. "What did you do now, Ethan?" I ask him, taking a gulp of my water, quenching my thirst.

"I told her to get out." He said, staring down at a piece of paper in his hands. I spit out my water. "You did what!" I yell, mad that he told her to get out. "She's going to get fucking hurt, you moron! He's gonna fucking find her and kill her! Do you not care about what happens to her!?" I shout, getting angrier and angrier. "I know what I'm doing." Came his short reply, not letting us know anything. Luke raised an eyebrow, a quizzical look on his face. "Are you trying to say, that what you're doing right now, is for Milly's own good?" He asks, just as mad as I am.

"Yes." Ethan says bluntly, still staring down at the bit of paper. Why is this bit of paper more interesting than the conversation we are having right now? Snatching the bit of paper out of his hands, I read it. And my blood goes cold.

"You are a bastard, you know? She is definitely going to get killed from Jonathan." I growled, ready to hit Ethan. He has completely and utterly fucked up this time. There was no way in hell that Milly won't be found by him. All we can do his pray since this motherfucker over here tells her to leave. And we don't even know where she is.

He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "I'm doing this for her. To help her." Ethan says, crossing his arms. "Oh really?" James sneered. "How exactly is this going to help her?" He adds, before laughing a humourless laugh. "It helps her because tonight, we are going to kill Jonathan. And Milly will be in the safety of her house" Ethan replies, before stalking off out the kitchen.

His plan is actually quite good.


Hey guys!!

I've been thinking and well, I'm in my 24th chapter now but I haven't got a lot of reads for my last few chapters. I'd really like it if you could vote for my book and get other people to read it. I've wrote a lot of chapters but I don't seem to have a lot of readers.

That's all. Please vote/comment/share thank you.

Leah xx

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