Chapter 10 - A Single Black Swan

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Milly's POV

I could feel myself moving but I couldn't open my eyes. They were too heavy. People were speaking but my ears were ringing and I couldn't understand anything. The last thing I remember is driving away from the school and almost hitting a car. I had been lifted up by someone and they were holding me close to them. I didn't know who it was but I wanted them to let go. I'm strange because I don't like physical contact with other humans. Mainly, it's because I don't know where they've been and they could be crawling with germs.

My wish was granted and they had let me go, gently putting me to the ground. I heard footsteps running followed by motorbikes flying down the road. I was getting really tired by this point and my head was killing me. I heard sirens before I let myself fall into a deep sleep...

Ambulance guy POV

"Right, she's over here! Quick get the stretcher and neck brace"

We had been called out to motorbike accident. A boy, well man, called it in but there was only the girl here. The helmet had saved her life. She must have been trying to show off and swerved around the corner. She could've probably done it if it wasn't such a narrow road. As I was walking to the girl, I noticed a smashed phone on the ground.
Whoever called it in didn't want to be found, I thought to myself. That was the only reasonable explanation. Stop playing detective and do your bloody job!
I was slapped back into reality and remembered where I was. The girl was unconscious but she looked like she'd be okay. Apart from the glass in her forehead, a few scratches
and bruises, she was fine. I hope.

We had her in the ambulance and were driving as fast as possible. "She has loss a lot of blood. This would be so much easier if we knew who she was so that we can get her blood type!" I shouted above the sirens. The others agreed with me and the ambulance went faster. The faster we got to the hospital, the better.
We reached the hospital and were greeted by doctors. We wheeled her into a room and since I was a doctor who goes along for rides in ambulances, I had to stay.
"She is *enter doctor stuff and long words*." I told them.

I didn't know this girl but I still wanted her to be okay, like I did with all my patients. But there was something about her, something strange and mysterious. She stood out with her gorgeous auburn hair, her perfect body and her flawless face. She just seems so secretive and majestic. She was like a single black swan amidst white swans...

Ethan's POV

Oliver's words were still swimming around in my head. How is it possible that she doesn't exist? The warehouse incident didn't matter anymore. It can easily be taken of. Milly however won't be as easy. There was so many questions in my head, that I felt like my head would explode.

Who was she?

Why didn't she exist?

Did she have any family?

Who was she?

Why did she run away?

What does she want with us?

Why'd I feel like I should protect her?

Who was she????

That question was the one that I kept going back to. Who was she? Every time I thought of this question, the same answer would reappear over and over again.

She was working with police to bring me and my gang down.

I'll just have to wait and see, we will talk to her tomorrow I thought to myself as I fell into a deep slumber...


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