Chapter 20 - Eh, I'll Still Win

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"So you aren't going to kill me? Yay! I'm too young and beautiful to die anyway." I say, feeling slightly better. "Let's go out and celebrate!" I shout, heading to their car. I got to the door, when I realised no one was coming. "Soo, you coming? Or what?" I ask them. Why aren't they moving?

"Quick question." Luke says.

"How.." Oliver starts.

"Do.." James continues.

"You.." Thomas says.

"Know.." Ethan continues.

"Jonathan?" Tyler finishes.

It's like they rehearsed this or something. Obviously the best thing to do right now is to lie. What can I say, I love lying. Except when it's about Jonathan. I cannot lie to or about him. Well, I can lie about him as long as I don't look the person in the eye. "I have no idea who you're talking about," I lie, "Now let's go get food! I want pancakes." I say, trying to change the subject.

Unfortunately, they realise this. "Milly.." Ethan warns me. Of course, me being the stupid person I am, decide to tease them a bit more. "Ethan.." I say, getting hungrier. "How do you know him?" Tyler asks. I answer their question with a question. "How do you know him?" I repeat, crossing my arms over. I was getting annoyed at this point and I was close to just walking home by myself.

"We know him because he's the leader of our rival gang. Now, how do you know him?" Oliver answers me. I was getting a bit irritated at this point and I can't keep saying
I don't know Jonathan, when they clearly know I'm lying. "Woah, you guys have a rival gang? That's amazing, tell me more about this rivalry." I question them deliberately stalling, making them get angrier.

"Answer the god damn question!" Luke shouts. We all just looked at him. This wasn't like him. He kept his temper under control and rarely shouted. Still, him shouting only fuelled my anger. "I don't fucking know him!" I yelled, lifting my arms up for emphasis. "You do know him! You're his fucking girlfriend!" Tyler shouts, getting in on this shouting action.

It isn't fair though, 6 against 1. Eh, I'll still win.

"I'm not his fucking girlfriend!" I scream. "Oh really?! Then why did you say that then! Or are you just a lying bitch like he said!" Ethan yells. Everyone was getting in on this argument now. "Guys.." James said but everyone ignored him. "Are you actually fucking listening to what he says about me?!" I ask them my voice still raised. "Yeah I am! Because we don't know if we can fucking trust you!" Ethan shouts, making me get agitated.

"Oh, so you can't trust your own fucking gang member but you can trust your rival gang leader!" I yell, getting confused by his logic. "Guys.." James says a bit louder but still everyone ignores him. "Yeah, well your a shit gang member, beating up your own gang!" Thomas says, his voice raised. I scoff. "Well maybe if you don't fucking drag me into a dark alley and make me think you are going to kill me, then I wouldn't have fucking beat you up!" I scream.

"Guys!" James shouts, getting all of our attention. "What is it, James!" Tyler asks, still mad. "I saw a squirrel." He answers. That's it. They can't even be mature enough to deal with one small situation. "I'm leaving. This is pointless. You can't even be mature enough to deal with this. Also, I'm outta your gang." I tell them, walking away. "Milly, wait!" Oliver calls after me. He's the only one who didn't start shouting and yelling. But, I won't turn around for him. Instead I keep on walking, ignoring their calls for me to come back.

I start thinking about my life. Everything has went wrong. My family die, I meet a gang, I join this gang, my abusive ex comes for me, I'm outta the gang, I'm going to get killed by my ex. And that's just the last two weeks. You then add in all my bullying, all the abuse that I got, my father leaving me, my gran dying and everything else that's happened. I seriously hate my life. Maybe I should just move away from all of this. Just move away to a calm peaceful place where Jonathan and the Black Swans can't get me. If only a place like this existed.

The boys have all stopped shouting but that's because they are now in their car, following me. I don't walk that fast, do I? "Milly, where are you going?" Luke asks me. "Home." I reply, not answering in proper sentences. "Why are you going home?" James questions me. I roll my eyes. "Why'd you think I'm going home?" I ask them, still waking away from them. "We don't know." I Stop walking and turn to face the car. They didn't think I was going to stop so they stopped after a few seconds. I sighed and walked forward a few steps so that I was facing there car.

Putting my hands on my hips, I raised an eyebrow. "I'm going home because I'm packing my bags and leaving this town." I say, before continuing to walk. I took my phone out and was going to phone Aallayah to asked her to come and pick me up. Then, I heard car doors slam shut and footsteps walking quickly. James grabbed my hands and took away my phone. Thomas then picked up my feet so that I was being lifted up by them both. "What are you fucking doing!" I scream, struggling to get out of their grip.

I hear a click and twist my neck to see the trunk of the car open. "No, no, no! Don't you fucking dare do that! I fucking hate you guys!" I yell, getting a leg free and kicking Thomas in the face. He lets go of my feet only for my feet to be picked up by Tyler two seconds later. "Sorry, Milly. But you're not leaving us." Oliver says before James and Tyler fling me into the boot and press my pressure point behind my ear, efficiently making me pass out.

I am so killing them when I wake up.


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