Chapter 29 - Le Jardin De La Vie

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"Your dead to us, Melissa Hughes. Don't ever even think about talking to us. I hope you rot in hell."


That was the last time I ever saw those boys. It's been 3 months so far. After their final parting words, they walked out and never looked back. Jonathan took me back to his gang house, and gave me a beating for 'being stupid and letting those stupid boys corrupt my mind'.

Honestly? I didn't care. I deserved every single punch and kick. But that was then. Back then, I was upset that they left me. Now I'm angry. I'm angry that they left without even letting me explain. I'm angry that they left me with Jonathan.

I'm angry that they stopped caring.

Things have changed over the last three months. I was forced to join The Bleeding Roses (Jonathan's gang) and I am now officially Jonathan's Girlfriend. And I hate every single second of my life because of it.

To make life even harder, I had to change my identity. I am now Clara Thompson. I can't even talk to Aallayah since Jonathan thinks she will tell the boys where I am.

I've stopped caring about everything and I've not smiled a genuine smile in months. My whole life has fell apart but I don't care. My heart grew cold and my eyes are empty. I don't feel emotions anymore. I'm literally an empty shell.

Jonathan left around one hour ago and said he would call me with directions on where I had to go in about 2 hours. I was really confused but just said okay and went up to my room. I was currently in my room, attempting, and succeeding, to hack into the houses surveillance cameras, more specifically, the ones in my room. It was something I had learned to do last month but I hadn't been able to actually hack into this rooms cameras. I could do it with any other cameras though. I put the cameras on loop so that it looks like I've been in my room the entire time.

I had put a tracker on my boyfriends (I think I'm gonna be sick if I keep saying that) motorbike, and I've decided to follow him.

Let the fun begin.

**Jonathan's POV**

I left Milly in the gang house one hour ago, with strict instructions to everyone, to not let her out. I'm out to meet some friends and I'm hoping to destroy their whole world. Milly would be coming to join me in one hour and I couldn't wait to see their faces.

She's became a cold, heartless evil person and I couldn't be more proud. Those pathetic little boys, thought that they could make her become apart of The Black Swans. Ha! I would kill them all before I'd let that happen. She is mines and will always be mines.

I was currently on my motorbike, heading to Le Jardin De La Vie. It was Milly's favourite place to go, not because of the flowers, or the silence and peace. It was her favourite place to go because it was abandoned. The flowers were dead and weeds sprouted up everywhere. The butterflies and the squirrels, all kinds of living nature, had gone. It was empty and surrounded by trees, closing it in.

She saw a twisted kind of beauty in it, that no one else could see. She said it helped her to think and calm down. Okay, so maybe she wasn't entirely heartless. She was my girlfriend and I love her, however she is. Everything that I've ever done, all the hits, all the beatings and scars, they were all because I loved her and she needed discipline.

I arrived at Le Jardin De La Vie twenty minutes earlier than planned. They wouldn't arrive for another thirty minutes and I couldn't wait to see them. I would be outnumbered 6 to 1 but it's okay. I have a secret weapon.


**Ethan's POV**
(At least I don't need to write about Jonathan)

Me and the boys were heading to some abandoned garden to meet up with some friends. Things have been strange since we left Milly, everyone's been quieter and we've failed quite a few drug deals, resulting in us getting shot.

People always say 'You don't know what you've got till it's gone'. The truth is, you knew what you had, but you thought you'd never lose it. That's exactly what happened with Milly, or Melissa I'm not sure anymore, we knew that she was an amazing thing we should appreciate but we didn't. We thought she'd be with us till we die. We never thought we'd lose her. Yet, we did.

And we regret walking out of that club three months ago.

I'm sure she had a reason as to why she lied to us about her name and everything else. We just had to stay and listen to her. W we're so angry though, we just walked away, didn't let her explain. I'm just glad that she's safe and happy right now.

That's why we are going to this garden place. The reason we've stayed away for so long is to make sure she safe. But, I've agreed with the rest of the boys.

It's time to get her back.

**Milly's POV** (Too many POV's)

I was on my way to Le Jardin De La Vie. For some strange and unknown reason, Jonathan was at my favourite place in the world. I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket and pulled over to the side of the road. I was using my brand new black bike that Jonathan got me. Okay, so he's good for some things. It was a text from Jonathan telling me where to go. Guess he doesn't know in already there.

I'll be right there. I send him before getting back on my bike and speeding off. I get to the gates and park my bike, next to Jonathan's red one. Climbing over the rusted gate, I locate Jonathan by sending him a text.

M - Milly J - Jonathan

I'm here - M
I'm over by the fountain, got here a bit quick didn't you? - J
Yeah, well you know me, I love going fast - M
I noticed - J

I see Jonathan as he sends that text. "Ah, there you are. I want you behind that tree over there, okay? And stay hidden until I shout for you to come out." He tells me, pointing over to a large oak tree with no leaves. I nod my head, and make my way over there.

What is he doing? And why do I need to be here for it? My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of about 5 or 6 motorbike engines cutting off. Looks like my answers have arrived.

Turning my head toward the gate, thankful that I'm hidden and can still see the gate. I see 6 bikes and boys. Six bikes and boys that look oddly familiar. They still had there helmets on so I couldn't recognise them. Then they take there helmets off, letting me see who they are.

What have I got myself into?

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