Creatures of Uthor

Start from the beginning

"Not to disturb, but I'm not deaf." Wyatt rolled his eyes at him then looked away.

Edgar smirked. "I never said you were."

Wyatt gave him a pointed stare before looking away again.

"Don't be rude, Ed." Benji punched him playfully on his shoulder, and Edgar glared at him, shrugging his arm off his shoulder.

"Whatever." His gaze went back Wyatt, but he dropped it to the floor, gritting his teeth.

"Jeez, you're mad about something. Come here, tell it to your friend ay?"

Edgar looked away from his friend and gave Silas a short glance before frowning. "It's nothing, really. I'm just bored. A month is a long time. What are going to do throughout? Sit home or visit the market?"

"Ride the dragons and go monster hunting. I heard they do bounty hunting here. We could go bounty hunting." Benji practically squealed, and it only made Edgar groan.

"That dragon riding looks like a brilliant idea," Wyatt spoke up making Benji beam. "My little brother wants to be a dragon hunter so he's got lots of dragons to play with."

"No way." Benji perked up then skipped over to walk beside Wyatt, leaving his best friend at the back of the crowd.

Edgar only rolled his eyes before joining up with Silas. Silas smiled at him as if acknowledging his presence then looking forward at the tracks that just seemed to go on and on and on.

"Hey." Edgar bumped his shoulder with him, pouting when he didn't even flinch. "Hey Silas, you are drooling."

"Eh?!" Silas quickly covered his mouth, growing red until his ears seemed to smoke out.

"Relax. Relax, I'm kidding. You're easy to tease."

"I know, now stop it." He wiped his mouth then frowned at him. "What did you want?"

"To ask what has been on your-" Edgar never finished the question before he suddenly felt all the air leave his lungs like they had been knocked out.

One minute, he was on the pathway to the mansion and the second, he was in the throne room just as an unbelievable power left it. It suddenly felt too bare, and the only person standing in the chamber except Wyatt and the others was Jenna, the white witch or whatever she called herself. She was in a long white gown now, hiding her curves beneath the flowing garment.

Edgar was suddenly able to breathe again, and he pinned the witch with a glare she simply ignored making him scowl deeper. He hated it. He hated how weak she made him feel. Sure, he had people who could control him in his world, but they were human. They had the same weakness as he does. But this woman didn't. That lady and that sick power that left the room.

God, he could just feel it. The power surging off her. He doubted if a knife could even scrape her skin. She was powerful that he knew.

"I have something for you three," she said, and Edgar's eyes widened at the great pain exploded his right arm.

He held back his cry, unlike the others as something hot picked his skin like a thousand needles.

Even with the screaming, she went on, "My husband and I will be leaving Uthor. My son, Wyatt, will take care of you." Then she turned to her son, her eyes narrowing and lips falling into a thin line. "You are in charge of them and Xavier. Take them on your trip and teach them what those markings are for. Reina will be accompanying you on your journey so look after her."

"But she's older than me."

"And she's my only apprentice psychic, so I don't want to hear your whining." She rolled her eyes then turned to leave when Silas barked out her name.

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