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Our flight back home was delayed two hours and by the time we landed it was 8:23 I banged on the door of Ari's house like a lunatic!

"Ari! Ariana! Mrs.Lyle!" I shouted at the locked door. No fuzzy figures were approaching the door.

I heard the familiar sound of tires crunching on gravel and turned around to see Mr.Lyle's black truck. I stared hard at it, unable to see if someone was in the backseat due to the tinted windows. Through the windshield I could clearly see Mr.Lyle in the driver's seat and Mrs. Lyle in the passenger side.

The driver's door opened. The passenger door opened. No more doors opened.

Mrs.Lyle's eyes were red and puffy, I could see where her face looked cleaner just in the streaks of her dry tears.

"Jake she's gone." She told me.

I was finally faced with the fear of losing the only girl who understood me and my odd ways.

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