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"Yeah sure, tommorow. I have more chemo today and don't feel too good." Ari lied once again.

"Uh...k. I guess I'll see you tommorow."


She hung up with no goobye or "I love you."

I sighed heavily, putting my iphone back on it's charger. I wasn't ganna see her tommorow and we both knew it. It had been 3 weeks since I last saw her because she gave excuse after excuse, as to why I couldn't come. Being away from her really sucked for me, but apparently it didn't bother her too much. She wanted to break up with me...I could sense it, but why? Why not just say it?

I hugged my stuffed skull head that Ariana had gotten me a long time ago and watched Full house re-runs. Bella was at Mariah's house, all the guys had plans, my mom was at work and Beans was asleep beside me. It seemed that lately I was alone alot, every once in a while Nala or Taylor would hit me up to hang out, but that was all.

With Ariana ignoring my calls and texts everyday I felt really alone. Random people were claiming to know stuff about me on Twitter and some "fans" believed them! Ari was my go to person whenever things like this happened because she always made me feel better, saying if the fans really loved me then they wouldn't follow that person or give them attention etc. Where was she now? I needed her and she couldn't be bothered.

After reading some awful tweets regarding my sexuality I was bothered to the point where I had to turn off my phone so I would stay offline. Pretty soon I fell asleep, only to awake again to a sad, empty house. Ari. I miss you.

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