2. How we met (part 1)

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Cairo by the side x

Cairo Hays. Cairo was where I was conceived, my parents were star-struck sweethearts. My dad, the rock star Pepper Hays and my mother the classical Cinderella 'September Marks.'  

They fell in love and had me. Funny thing, after I was Born and the actual struggle of raising a child arose, then dad scattered.

Sure I see him every weekend. Still no kid wants to go through that. I threw my Hetalia bag unto my bedroom floor, throwing myself unto my bed. I looked around my room, it seemed so large and lonely. Since when did it get like this? I shifted uncomfortably then the thought struck me of what to do.

I jumped down from my bed and walked to 'my' wall. Everyone in this family knew without it it wouldn't be the same. It was a record of my height- or the lack of it. It had taken me twelve years to reach an astounding 4 ft 8 inches. I was short. I think I was always remain short. I don't even know where that came from! It was probably a rebound factor as everyone in my family was extremely basketball tall.

My phone rang, I snatched it hurriedly. "Ello?" I spoke into my blue blackberry.  

"Hello girl! Guess where we're moving?" My best friend Megan yelled into the speaker. I covered my ear painfully.

"I dunno, but don't yell at me! Mind watching your volume?" I joked into her hair. I twirled one of my red-head curls.

Megan giggled into the speaker. "Sure, I'm moving near you!"

"What are you coming to our school?" I was just as excited, I hadn't seen Megan for two years, since she moved to America. Even though, we had kept a tight sense of communication. Her voice still sounded just as British.

"Funny thing! Asking me about school first! Not even why I'm moving back or where daddy and I will live."

"Whatever." I measured my self rapidly, still 4"8, I exhaled.

"Speaking of school," She continued, "What happened in yours?"

"Oh the typical drab of an only girls school- y'know exclusion for two days."

She huffed, then ignored that. Thankfully. She was always my best friend.

"Why are you moving anyway?" She questioned curiously.

"My dad andhis ex wife are hooking up again, apparently I have some random older half brother that I never knew about...?" She rung off the end of the sentence like a question.

"How old his is he?" I asked curiously, I had read all those my best friends brother books...yummy.

"17 I think. And NO, don't even think about it."

"Of course. Of course I wouldn't. I promise."

She sighed as I crossed my fingers.

"I'm meeting them tomorrow. You want to come. Dad says your like part of the family."

"I would love to."

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