She blows the candles out, smiling.


I gulp down the tequila, grinning.

"I need it more!" Elena takes it off me and I pout at her. I look at Caroline, who is on her phone.

"Care, what are you doing?" I question the blonde.

"Uh, hm, nothing." She lies.

"You're a bad sober liar, but you're an even worse drunk liar." I chuckle.

"I might've texted Tyler." She admits.

"Caroline." Elena sighs, putting the tequila down.

"What, I'm delicate." Caroline defends herself.

"Oh give her a break, you can't control what everyone does all the time." Bonnie snaps. I sense tension in the air.

"Wow. Ouch Bon." I say.

"I'm sorry, I know it's Caroline's birthday but I just feel that it's really wrong that you compelled Jeremy to leave town."

"I'm doing it to protect him Bonnie. I wanna give him a chance at a normal life."

"He should be able to choose how he wants to live it, but you're taking his choices away."

"You girls are ruining a perfectly good funeral." Matt steps in.

"Im sorry, I'm just gonna go sleep it off. Happy Birthday." Bonnie leaves the tomb.

Ten minutes later, Tyler enters the tomb.

"Sorry, didn't mean to crash the party." Tyler says.

"So don't." Matt replies.

"It's ok." Caroline gets up, "Hi."

"Hey, can I talk to Scarlet a second? It's about when I was human." He says. SHIT. The compulsion wore off.

"Sure." I get up, leaving the tomb.

"I know you compelled me to—"

"Shhh. They're in there. I'm sorry 'bout that though. But in my defence, I only did it once." I whisper.

"Apology forgiven, hug it out?" he questions and I nod, hugging him when something sharp pierces my neck. I gasp, pulling him away.

"Did you bite me?" I gasp, putting my hand to my neck. Garnet wrote on the note that if I'm bitten, have my heart ripped out, head decapitated or the white oak stake stakes me, then I'm dead for real.

"I'm so sorry!" he gasps.

"Get away from me!" I scream as he runs off. I slide down the tree, crying in pain. Matt and Caroline find me and Matt picks me up.

"My house is the closest!" Caroline tells us, holding Matt and vampire speeding to her house, letting us in.

"What happened?" Liz Forbes, my godmother asks. Oh yeah, Liz is my godmother, did I forget to tell you?

"Tyler bit her mom." Caroline cries as Matt places me on Caroline's bed. I scream, the pain is unbearable.

Matt leaves the room as Caroline dabs something on the wound. Klaus walks into the room. God I am so angry at the dick right now. He made Tyler do it. Caroline leaves us.


He strokes my cheek.

"That looks bad." He sighs, "My apologies love, I didn't mean for Tyler to harm you."

"But you meant for Tyler to harm somebody else." I say coldly.

"I love Birthdays." He looks at the card lying on Caroline's bedside table. "You have to adjust your perception of time when you become a vampire, Scarlet. You're free."

"No, I'm dying." I sigh.

"Do you really think that low of me that I would let you die?"

"Sometimes." I answer truthfully.

"There's a whole world waiting out there for you, cities, art and music. Genuine beauty, and you can have all of it. I'm not going to let you die tonight, my love." He bites his wrist, bringing it to my lips. I suck the blood, feeling it trickle down my throat. He kisses my forehead. "Sleep, my love."

(I had this in mind before season 7 was seen on TV, I've just been putting it off.)

Description of story:

Arielle Archambault is a familiar name to everybody in the town of Mystic Falls. I mean, why wouldn't she be? She's incredibly beautiful, very intelligent, extremely talented and really kind. One night, she falls into Steven's Quarry and drowns. When she wakes up, something is different about her. She's not a vampire...she's a siren, more importantly, the key to killing Klaus Mikaelson. But does she want to kill the Hybrid?

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