Chapter 17 - Dana's Compelled.

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'Well I've got thick skin, and an elastic heart'

Sia – Elastic Heart

S2 E18

Caroline shows me a poster of the 60s decade dance and I nod. I'm definitely going. Alaric walks into the classroom.

"Hello class, what are we learning today?" Alaric skims the textbook.

I cant wait for the decade dance x –C

Same x ~S

"With the decade dance tonight, we've been covering the sixties all week." A girl, Dana, tells him. Dana used to be my maths partner, now Care is. She swapped with Care so Dana could sit next to her boyfriend, Chad.

"Right." Alaric puts the textbook down. "The sixties."

"Wish there was something good I could say about it. But actually they kinda sucked. Except for the Beatles of course, they made it bearable. What else was there? Human missile thing, we walked on the moon, Watergate."

"Watergate was the seventies, Ric." I chuckle. "I mean, Mr Saltzman."

"Right, it kinda mushes together up here. Sixties, seventies, thank you, Scarlet."

Know it all.

"I am not a know-it-all Caroline." I mutter, only loud enough for any vampires in the room to hear.

"Sorry." She whispers, only loud enough for me and the vampires in the room to hear.


"Hey Scarlet!" Dana appears to me, who is sat on the table, Bonnie, who is sat on the chair, and Elena, who is also sat on a chair eating her dinner. Care had to go and help for the decade dance.

"This is gonna sound freaky but this totally hot guy just asked me to ask you if you're going to the dance tonight." She tells me.

"Tell him she's already got a date." Bonnie says. Damon is my date, sadly. It's just so he can keep an eye on us all.

"You could at least meet him. He'll be at the dance tonight. Look for him, his name is Klaus." The three of us look at each other. Crap.

"Where is he?" Elena asks.

"I dunno..." Dana's been compelled.

"She's been compelled." Bonnie mutters.

"He wants to know if you'll save him the last dance. How cute is that!"

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