Chapter 8 - Why Is It Always Me?

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'She's a diva, feel the same and I wanna meet her'

David Guetta – Sexy Chick

S2 E8 – Rose

"Thank you for your help." I hear someone say faintly. "Where is the doppelganger?"

"I couldn't get her, somebody stopped me, a girl. But I got the redhead." Another man replies.

"Is there anything else?" the second one asks.

"One more thing, come closer. Closer," I then hear a muffled groan and I assume the second man is dead. My eyes flutter shut again, too weak to open them. I wake up on a soft surface and a man is towering me, taking off his hat and sunglasses. Vampire who can't walk in the sun. He unties my legs and then my hands.

"What do you want?" I ask him. He hushes me. Rude. I then realize that my head is wet. I automatically put my hand to it, and a coppery substance is on my hand. Blood.

"I'm hurt." I whimper.

"I know." He finally speaks. I'll call him Jeff. "Just a taste." His face mutilates into a vampire face and he's about to bite into my neck when a female voice snaps, "Trevor!"

"Control yourself."

"Buzzkill." He sighs, getting up.

"What do you want with me?" I ask.

"Oh my god you look just like her." She gasps.

"Like who?" I ask.

"The first true Martin Goddess." She replies.

"What is that?" I ask.

"The one that can possess the rare goddess abilities. Your blood is supposed to be magnificent just like Garnet. She was the first true Martin Goddess."

"Rest." She orders, "All will be explained." I feel my eyes close unwillingly. The last thing I hear is, "I can't believe you didn't capture the doppelganger. Oh well, we'll alert him of her existence."

My eyes open again, and I sit up.

"How's the girl?" I hear the girl voice again.

"Still sleeping." The male voice from the car replies.

"You didn't touch her, did you? If Klaus finds the girl harmed—he'll kill us all."

"Give me some credit. So you called him?"

"No, I called one of his contacts. You know how this works!"

"Look, did you or did you not get the message to Elijah." I jump up, quietly tiptoeing up the stairs.

"They say he got it."

"Wonderful, and what?"

"So that's it Trevor. He either got it or he didn't. We just have to wait."

"Look, it's not too late, we can leave her here, we don't have to go through with this." I curse, stubbing my toe against a piece of metal.

"You—"she appears in front of me. "There's nothing around here for miles, if you think you're getting out, you're tragically wrong, understand? And don't try to use your powers on me, you're too weak."

"Who's Elijah?" I ask her.

"He's your worst nightmare." She replies before walking off. I follow her into a room which she seems to be boarding the windows up in.

"Why am I here?" I ask her.

"You keep asking me these questions like I'm gonna answer them." She chuckles.

"Why won't you?" I question.

"That's another one." She replies.

"It's not like I can leave. Tell me what you want with me." I demand.

"I personally want nothing. I'm just a delivery service." She tells me.

"Delivery to who, Elijah?" I push.

"Two points to the eavesdropper." She laughs.

"Who is he? Is he a vampire?" I ask, walking further into the room.

"He's one of the vampires, the originals."

"The first family?" I question.

"Trevor and I have been running for five hundred years. We're tired, we want it over. We're using you to negotiate ourselves out of an old mess."

"But why me? Why not Elena? She's wanted to almost everyone, and you said it yourself, you wanted her."

"Because you're the true Martin Goddess. Your blood is said to be irresistible, and one of the Originals wants you badly. The doppelganger is good leverage, and she's the key to breaking the curse, but you're wanted more to the original."

"The sun and the moon curse?" I ask her. "What do you mean that Elena's the key? The moonstone is what breaks the curse."

"No, the moonstone is what binds the curse, the sacrifice is what breaks it," she tells me.

"The blood of the doppelganger, she's the doppelganger. She needs to be sacrificed." I gasp, "Wait, what you mean by the originals want me badly?"

"Legend says that the Martin Goddess was created to help an original, Klaus, from being lonely. She was created a thousand years ago, but first occurred half a millennium. But, before he could save her, a newly turned vampire couldn't stop feeding from her. Klaus killed the vampire's whole family, made him watch then killed the vampire himself, he had never been so vicious. Garnet Martin turned into a vampire, and still had her goddess powers, she ran from Klaus, scared, and hid from him for the rest of her life. Nobody saw her since."

"Tell me more." I demand.

"Captivity's made her pushy, eh." The man, Trevor, smirks. "What do you wanna know?"

"Who were you running from?" I ask.

"The Originals." He replies.

"Yeah, she said that, but why?"

"Rose and I pissed them off—correction, I pissed them off, Rose had my back and for over half a millennium they wanted us dead." He answers.

"What did you do?" I ask him.

"He made the same mistake countless others did. He trusted Katerina Pertrova."


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