"Why are you making that face?" I asked in a whiny voice.

Jackson shrugged. "I love you, Corey. I really do but there's something about that guy that I don't like."


I felt disappointment run throughout my body but I quickly covered it up. "Fine. I understand that everyone has an opinion. And if that's your opinion on Peyton, I respect that."

He rose his eyebrows at me. He knew I didn't mean it. "Oh really?" I nodded my head and pursed my lips. "Come on, Corey. Tell me how you feel."

I sighed and pouted. "I just don't get why everyone thinks there's something bad about Peyton. I really don't get it. I don't see what's so bad about him." I said honestly.

Jackson shrugged again. "Maybe I'm wrong. I said I get a bad vibe from him, but maybe he's not even a bad guy. Who knows." Jackson said.

I guess he's right. I still never figured out the true reason why Aiden hated Peyton.

Jackson had a 'bad feeling' about him.

Well, all that matters is that I love him and he loves me, right?

"I'll see you later, Marshmallow."

"Bye, Jay." I hugged him and he walked out the front door. I made my way towards the kitchen where Jessie and Aiden were. "What are you guys doing?" I asked them.

Jessie turned to me. "I'm trying to make dinner." I sat down next to Aiden on one of the stools while he played a game on his phone.

"You're making dinner?" I asked incredulously. "Jessie, I don't think that's a good idea. The only thing you can probably make without destroying anything else is pancakes." I laughed at him.

He just glared and turned back to the stove. "So how's it going?" I asked Aiden who was still looking down at his phone. He looks up and have me a half smile. "I'm fine."  

I didn't believe him. There was something wrong with him. "No you're not." I told him and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Something's bothering you." I told him. It was obvious. His eyes didn't seem as bright as they would. He was extremely quiet. He didn't even, acknowledge me when I entered the room. Something was definitely getting to him.

The expression on his face softened and then he gave another small smile. "Really, Corey I'm fine." I squinted my eyes at him. I didn't like this Aiden. I've never seen him act like this before. I didn't like it.

I wanted the old Aiden back. In a quick second, I grabbed his phone out of his hand and caught a full smile on his face before I started running out of the kitchen. As soon as I got out, it wasn't long before Aiden grabbed me from behind. I started to laugh. He grabbed me sideways and carries me back into the kitchen.

I was still laughing when he said, "You find this funny?" He asked in a playful tone. He shifted me until I was upside down. He started shaking me and I couldn't stop laughing.

He eventually put me back on my feet. He smiled at me when he started tickling me. I dropped to the floor but he didn't stop. "Is it funny now? Huh?" He asked playfully again.

I Don't Like YouWhere stories live. Discover now