Creatures of Magic

Start from the beginning

"What?!" Benji and Edgar screamed in unison, and she laughed.

"I'm kidding. I'm kidding."


The dining room was large and lively. It was packed, something Silas hadn't expected. The table they were on was the longest in the chamber while the other smaller tables just crowded around it. Jenna was at the head and her son, Wyatt sat on her left with Miguel on her right. They were talking loudly and enjoying themselves as if they didn't have a single care in the world.

The table was packed with food ranging from meat to vegetable to bread. Everything was there, and he didn't know where to start. Other than the food making his stomach growl, he didn't know how to bring up the topic about his sister.

After Edgar had recounted what happened, he was shocked to find out his sister had been with them but how come she wasn't with them now? She had to have fallen through the portal too. In fact, how was any of anything possible?


The words echoed in his mind. Magic? But Magic isn't real. Magic isn't supposed to be real. If humans had magic, the world would be-

Silas was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard the sound of drums. He quickly looked up just as three women and two men dressed in some ancient garment came up to the stage in front of them. The men were tall and buff, both having a similar physique. They were white, unlike the women who were dark-skinned and had their thick nappy hair in a bun. The men took torches from the wall and came back to stand in front of the women who suddenly lifted their hands up.

Silas and the other boys gasped when they saw the water and wine in their glass leave its place and flew, connecting together before reaching the women. They moved their hands in the same pattern and Silas watched the water swoosh around them before taking the shape of a woman. The woman was floating on air, dressed in similar garments and she stood, tall and beautiful.

The men, on the other hand, inhaled the flames from their torch and breathed out the fire. It grew huge until it matched the woman and it turned into the shape of a man. The fire man then knelt, asking the water woman for a dance and she nodded, letting the man take her hand. Wherever the fire man touched the woman or vice versa, the air around them seemed to sizzle, but that didn't stop them from dancing.

The music started, and the man twirled the water woman, waltzing their way over the heads of the people watching them. Honestly, it was quite a sight.

"This is incredible," Benji admitted, gaping at it with his mouth open.

"Wait to you see what's beyond this mansion." The witch answered.

They all quickly looked up as the fire and water jumped over their heads, twirling then dancing right back to the stage.

"But, how?" Edgar asked. He had lightened up considerably since all he had ever done since Silas admitted he didn't trust him was frown. He smiled lightly at the witch and asked again, "How is it even possible?"

"There is an extent a man with powers could go. Those people over there are called charmers." The witch pointed at the women and men who controlled the entertainment. "They could get you to do absolutely anything by just charming you. Other than their ability to control people, they can also control elements. That is air, water, earth and fire. Although, some evolve to metal, electricity, blood and so on. Ah, it's hard to keep track these days."

"How do they charm you?" Benji asked curiously then rubbed off the meat sauce from his mouth with a napkin.

"Their eyes turn green but only for a split second. If you notice it, consider yourself charmed." Wyatt answered, looking bored as he twirled his cup in his hands. Then he tacked on, "Just know they might not use you immediately. They could charm you today and use you tomorrow. You can only break it if you know their real name."


"You'd think." Wyatt laughed then downed what was left in his cup before standing up. He glanced at the witch and smiled. "I'm about to turn in for the day. Is there anything else you want to talk about?"

She reached out her hand to tug on his sleeve then returned the smile. "I'll be in your room soon."

"'Kay." He leaned down to kiss her forehead and she watched him go before turning to Miguel to talk about something Silas couldn't hear over the loud clapping.

"I'm going to the bathroom," Edgar spoke up after a while, and Benji waved his hand at him, apparently not interested. Edgar rolled his eyes before stepping out from his seat and heading out the dining room.

Finally finding a good time to have him alone, Silas followed him out and didn't breathe a word until they were both in the restroom they had seen as the witch led them to the dining hall.

Quickly looking away when Edgar brought his junk out of his trouser, he frowned at the tiled wall that reflected his appearance. He ran a hand through his dry hair in good need of conditioning and said, "So, how are you taking it?"

"What a dumb shit to ask?" he answered furiously, making Silas raise a confused brow at him.

"I thought you had gotten used to it. You were smiling just seconds ago."

"Well, it was fake. I'm as glad as I was going to that damn camp in the first place. Everything is just fucking terrible. These people have powers. They could kill us. We're basically weaklings before them, and I bloody hate that."

Silas nodded to that, and it took everything in his power to look at him and not stray away from his reflection in the mirror. "I agree with that, but it wouldn't hurt to pretend. We could have fun while we wait. Learn more about them. I heard from my grandma whose grandma told her that these kind of people exists. I just believed she was telling me some dinosaur story. She said her granny had only been little during the 'war' and that they had caused it. However, she never really explained how they hopped and left."

"It's unbelievable." Edgar frowned, finished his business then went to wash his hand. "That means dragons exists."

Silas seemed to snap at that. Dragons. Dragons existed here. Does that mean he finally gets to ride on one? Wait, if there were dragons, that meant there were vampires and werewolves and Steels and sea monsters and mermaids and-

"Hey, Silas." Silas instantly felt himself catch on fire when he noticed just how close Edgar was to him. His thick fingers cupped his chin and tilted his head up. "You must be really interested in dragons."

"A-are you? After binge watching that 21st-century series, GOT, it was all my friends, and I were interested in. D-don't you like dragons?" he blurted, his face heated to the very top of his ears.

Edgar finally let go of him, and he took a step back. He pinched his nose, looking away from him before glancing back, saying, "Benji might be interested, but I don't really take risk much."

Silas could have sworn Edgar was more of a risk taker than Benji, but it wasn't like he knew the both of them well enough to be sure. Shrugging, he smiled lightly and said, "Why don't we give it a try? It might all be some crazy dream, and we might just wake up to Mr. River waving fish in our face. I want to have fun while all these last. What do you say?"

Quirking a brow, a smirk broke on the boy's face, and he crossed his arms over his chest. "Mmm, doesn't seem like a bad idea. I'm glad to have met you, Silas."

"Wha-wha-what? Don't put it like that. I suddenly feel weird." He flushed, looking away from the boy who only threw an arm around him, making his situation worse.

Edgar laughed out loud, pulling Silas closer to himself as he led them out of the bathroom. "Oh Silas, when you blush like that, you look so cute, especially with your high voice. How old are you again?"

"Please die."

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